Displaying 10561 - 10620 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1987 | Burton, G. 1987. Recovering the threatened apache trout and endangered Gila trout in Arizona and New Mexico. Western Proceedings, 67th Annual Conf of the Western Assoc Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Salt Lake City, Utah. P 361. |
A87BUR02NMUS | |
1987 | Gehlbach and Baldridge |
Gehlbach, F. R., and R. S. Baldridge. 1987. Live blind snakes (Leptotyphlops dulcis) in eastern screech owl (Otus asio) nests: a novel commensalism. Oecologia 71:560-563. |
1987 | United Fish and Wildlife Service |
United Fish and Wildlife Service. 1987. Endangered and threatened species of Arizona and New Mexico. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior. |
1987 | Lee and Baker |
Lee, H. K., and R. J. Baker. 1987. Cladistical analysis of chromosome evolution in pocket gophers of the Cratogeomys castanops complex (Rodentia: Geomyidae). Occas. Pap. Mus. Texas Tech Univ. 114:1-15. |
1987 | Roze |
Roze, V. 1987. Denning and winter range of the porcupine. Can. J. Zool. 65:981-986. |
1987 | Welsh |
Welsh, D. A. 1987. Cape May Warbler. Pp. 376-377 in Atlas of the breeding birds of Ontario. (M. D. Cadman, P. F. J. Eagles, and F. M. Helleiner, eds.). Univ. of Waterloo Press, Waterloo, ON. |
1987 | Lucas, S. 1987. Message scan printout from Steve Lucas to Reggie Fletcher at USFS Regional Office, Albuquerque. |
U87LUC01NMUS | |
1987 | Akroyd, B. |
Akroyd, B. 1987. Memorandum, Department of Game and Fish. Subject: Surveys of Valle Vidal Waters. |
1987 | Peterson, J.F. |
Peterson, J.F. (1987) Unpublished Letter to District Rangers, Cloudcroft and Mayhill RDs, Subject: Spotted Owl Surveys - Barrel Timber Sale. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 3 p. |
1987 | Barneby and Spellenberg |
Barneby, R.C., and R. Spellenberg. 1987. A new species of Astragalus (Leguminosae) from northwestern New Mexico and adjacent Arizona. Brittonia 39: 188-191. |
1987 | DeBenedictis |
DeBenedictis, P.A. 1987. Gleanings from the technical literature. Birding 19(1):47-49. |
1987 | Holt |
Holt, D. W. 1987. Short-eared owl, ASIO FLAMMEUS, predation on Leach's storm-petrels, OCEANODROMA LEUCORHOA, in Massachusetts. Canadian Field-Nat. 101:448-450. |
1987 | Millsap |
Millsap, B. A. 1987. Summer concentration of American swallow-tailed kites at Lake Okeechobee, Florida, with comments on post-breeding movements. Florida Field Naturalist 15:85-92. |
1987 | Prescott |
Prescott, D. R. C. 1987. Territorial responses to song playback in allopatric and sympatric populations of alder (EMPIDONAX ALNORUM) and willow (E. TRAILLII) flycatchers. Wilson Bull. 99(4):611-619. |
1987 | Thomas |
Thomas, J. E. 1987. Northern harrier nest in Delaware. Delmarva Ornithol. 20:16. |
1987 | Hemstrom et al. |
Hemstrom, M. A., S. E. Logan, and W. Pavlat. 1987. Plant association and management guide, Willamette National Forest. USDA Forest Service Report R6-Ecol 257-B-86. Pacific Northwest Region, Portland, OR. 312 pp. |
1987 | Clark and Weatherhead |
Clark, R. G., and P. J. Weatherhead. 1987. Influence of population size on habitat use by territorial male red-winged blackbirds in agricultural landscapes. Auk 104: 311-315. |
1987 | Fuller and Markl |
Fuller, T. K., and J. A. Markl. 1987. Beaver, Castor canadensis, colony density in the Bearville Study Area, northcentral Minnesota. Canadian Field-Nat. 101:597-598.h |
1987 | Laymon and Halterman |
Laymon, S. A., and M. D. Halterman. 1987b. Can the western subspecies of Yellow-billed Cuckoo be saved from extinction? Western Birds 18:19-25. |
1987 | Reynolds and Linkhart |
Reynolds, R.T., and B.D. Linkhart. 1987a. Fidelity to territory and mate in flammulated owls. Pages 234-238 in R.W. Nero, R.J. Clark, R.J. Knapton, and R.H. Hamre, editors. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. |
1987 | J. Ludwig,J.M.H. Hendrickx,L.A. Daugherty,M.H. Nash,Wierenga, P.J. |
Wierenga, P.J., J.M.H. Hendrickx, M.H. Nash, J. Ludwig, and L.A. Daugherty. 1987. Variation of soil and vegetation with distance along a transect in the Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 13:53-63. |
1987 | Findley |
Findley, J. S. 1987. The natural history of New Mexican mammals. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 164 pp. |
1987 | Giesen |
Giesen, K. M. 1987. Population characteristics and habitat use by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse in northwest Colorado. Final Report, Colorado Division of Wildlife Fed. Aid Project W-1 52-R. |
1987 | Taylor |
Taylor, D.W. 1987. Fresh-water molluscs from New Mexico and vicinity. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Bulletin 116:1-50. |
1987 | Ahlquist et al. |
Ahlquist, J. E., et al. 1987. Divergence of the single-copy DNA sequences of the western grebe (AECHMOPHORUS OCCIDENTALIS) and Clark's grebe (A. CLARKII), as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization. Postilla No. 200. |
1987 | Cincotta et al. |
Cincotta, R. P., D. W. Uresk, and R. M. Hansen. 1987. Demography of black-tailed prairie dog populations reoccupy-ing site treated with rodenticide. Great Basin Nat. 47:339-343. |
1987 | Huntly and Inouye |
Huntly, N., and R. S. Inouye. 1987. Small mammal populations of an old-field chronosequence: successional patterns and associations with vegetation. Journal of Mammalogy 68:739-745. |
1987 | Millsap and Millsap |
Millsap, B. A., and P. A. Millsap. 1987. Burrow nesting by common barn-owls in north central Colorado. Condor 89:668-70. |
1987 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 6 July 1987. Proposed determination of endangered status for two long-nosed bats. Federal Register 52:25271-25275. |
1987 | Santa Fe |
Santa Fe National Forest. 1987. Environmental Impact Statement, Santa Fe National Forest, Santa Fe Watershed Research Natural Area. US Forest Service, 3 p. |
1987 | Marks and Marks |
Marks, J. S., and V. S. Marks. 1987. Habitat selection by Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse in west-central Idaho. U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Boise District, Boise, Idaho. |
1987 | Dunmire |
Dunmire, W. and M. Toll. 1987. Establishment Record for Upper McKittrick Research Natural Area, Lincoln National Forest. US Forest Service, 127 p. |
1987 | Sigler and Sigler |
Sigler, W. F., and J. W. Sigler. 1987. Fishes of the Great Basin: a natural history. University of Nevada Press, Reno, Nevada. xvi + 425 pp. |
1987 | Knight, P.J., and A.C. Cully. 1987. Status report on Senecio quaerens. Unpublished report for US Fish & Wildlife, Albuq. NM. 17 pp. |
U87KNI01NMUS | |
1987 | Merritt |
Merritt, J. F. 1987. Guide to the mammals of Pennsylvania. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. |
1987 | Carlson and White |
Carlson, D. C. and E. M. White. 1987. Effects of prairie dogs on mound soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:389-3. |
1987 | Gwynn |
Gwynn, J. V. 1987. Wildlife disease investigation. Pages 98-106 in Virginia Wildlife Investigations. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fish., Richmond, Virginia. |
1987 | Manuwal et al. |
Manuwal, D.A., M.H. Huff, M.R. Bauer, C.B. Chappell, and K. Hegstad. 1987. Summer birds of the upper subalpine zone of Mount Adams, Mount Rainier, and Mount St. Helens, Washington. Northwest Science 61:82-92. |
1987 | Ryan and Renken |
Ryan, M.R., and R.B. Renken. 1987. Habitat use by breeding Willets in the northern Great Plains. Wilson Bull. 99(2):175-189. |
1987 | White and Seginak |
White, D. H., and J. T. Seginak. 1987. Cave gate designs for use in protecting endangered bats. Wildlife Society Bull. 15:445-449. |
1987 | National Audubon Society |
National Audubon Society. 1987. Eighty-seventh Christmas Bird Count. Audubon Field Notes 41:579-1321. |
1987 | Rappole and Tipton |
Rappole, J. H., and A. R. Tipton. 1987. An assessment of potentially endangered mammals in Texas. Unpublished report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Cooperative Agreement 14-16-0002-86-927. pp. 121-124. |
1987 | Piehler |
Piehler, K.G. 1987. Habitat relationships of three grassland sparrow species on reclaimed surface mines in Pennsylvania. M.S. thesis. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. 78 pp. |
1987 | Beezley and Rieger |
Beezley, J.A. and J. P. Rieger. 1987. Least Bell's Vireo management by cowbird trapping. Western Birds 18:55-61. |
1987 | de Almeida |
de Almeida, M. H. 1987. Nuisance furbearer damage control in urban and suburban areas. Pages 996-1006 in M. Novak et al., editors. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. |
1987 | Houston |
Houston, C. S. 1987. Nearly synchronous cycles of the great horned owl and snowshoe hare in Saskatchewan. Pp. 56-58 in Nero, R.W., et al., eds. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA For. Serv., Gen. Tech Rep. RM-142 |
1987 | Morton et al. |
Morton, E. S., et al. 1987. Do male hooded warblers exclude females from nonbreeding territories in tropical forest? Auk 104:133-135. |
1987 | Raphael et al. |
Raphael, M.G., M.L. Morrison, and M.P. Yoder-Williams. 1987. Breeding bird populations during twenty-five years of postfire succession in the Sierra Nevada. Condor 89:614-626. |
1987 | Titus and Mosher |
Titus, K., and J. A. Mosher. 1987. Selection of nest tree species by red-shouldered and broad-winged hawks in two temperate forest regions. J. Field Ornithol. 58:274-283. |
1987 | Abts |
Abts, M. L. 1987. Environment and variation in life history traits of the chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus. Ecological Monographs 57:215-232. |
1987 | Clark et al. |
Clark, T. W., et al. 1987. Martes americana. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species 289:1-8. |
1987 | Fuller and Mosher |
Fuller, M. R., and J. A. Mosher. 1987. Raptor survey techniques. Pages 37-65 in B. A. Giron Pendleton, et al., eds. Raptor management techniques manual. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C. |
1987 | Littlefield and Thompson |
Littlefield, C. D., and S. P. Thompson. 1987. Winter habitat preferences of northern harriers on Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon. Oregon Birds 13:156-64. |
1987 | Reynolds and Linkhart |
Reynolds, R.T., and B.D. Linkhart. 1987b. The nesting biology of flammulated owls in Colorado. Pages 239-248 in R.W. Nero, R.J. Clark, R.J. Knapton, and R.H. Hamre, editors. Biology and conservation of northern forest owls. USDA Forest Service, Gen. Tech. |
1987 | Wilson and Crawford |
Wilson, M. H. and J. A. Crawford. 1987. Habitat selection by bobwhites and chestnut-bellied scaled quail in south Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 51:575-582. |
1987 | Findley, J.S |
Findley, J.S. 1987. The natural history of New Mexican mammals. University of New Mexico Press |
1987 | Groschupf |
Groschupf, K. 1987. Status of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo (COCCYZUS AMERICANUS OCCIDENTALIS) in Arizona and west Texas. USFWS Rep. 20181-86-00731. Phoenix, AZ. |
1987 | Armstrong |
Armstrong, D. M. 1987. Rocky Mountain mammals. Revised edition. Colorado Associated Univ. Press, Boulder. x + 223 pp. |
1987 | Trotter |
Trotter, P.C. 1987. Cutthroat: native trout of the west. Colorado Associated University Press, Boulder, Colorado. 219 pp. |
1987 | Clough |
Clough, G. C. 1987. Ecology of island muskrats, ONDATRA ZIBETHICUS, adapted to upland habitat. Can. Field-Nat. 101:63-69. |