Displaying 9061 - 9120 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1990 | Dixon |
Dixon, K. L. 1990. Constancy of margins of the hybrid zone in titmice of the PARUS BICOLOR complex in coastal Texas. Auk 107:184-188. |
1990 | Jackson |
Jackson, D. D. 1990. Orangetooth is here to stay. Audubon, July 1990, pp. 89-94. |
1990 | Paton and Edwards |
Paton, P. W. C., and Edwards. 1990. Status and nesting ecology of the snowy plover at Great Salt Lake--1990. Utah Birds 6(4):49-66. |
1990 | UNKNOWN |
UNKNOWN, 1990. Map of Mexican Spotted Owl 1990 Survey Red River Ski Area |
1990 | Swennen |
Swennen, C. 1990. Dispersal and migratory movements of eiders SOMATERIA MOLLISSIMA breeding in the Netherlands. Ornis Scand. 21:17-27. |
1990 | Knight, Paul J., et al. 1990. An Environmental Assessment of the Ova Noss Family Partnership Expedition into Victorio Peak. ECoPlan, Inc. and Human Systems Research, Inc. Control number EA-00990, work request #FEA0337OP. 153 pp. |
U90KNI01NMUS | |
1990 | Van Devender, R |
Van Devender, R. 1990. Letter to Sue Rutman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with historic location of Pediomelum pentaphyllum. |
1990 | Barrett and Vader |
Barrett, R. T., and W. Vader. 1990. The status and conservation of breeding seabirds in Norway. Pages 323-333 in Croxall et al., eds. Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. ICBP Tech. Pub. No. 2. |
1990 | Bennett |
Bennett, W. A. 1990. Scale of investigation and the detection of competition: an example from the house sparrow and house finch introductions in North America. Am. Nat. 135:725-747. |
1990 | Cohn |
Cohn, J. P. 1990. Endangered wolf population increases. BioScience 40(9):628-632. |
1990 | Glenn et al. |
Glenn, J. L., R. C. Straight, and J. W. Sites, Jr. 1990. A plasma protein marker for population genetic studies of the desert tortoise (XEROBATES AGASSIZI). Great Basin Naturalist 50:1-?. |
1990 | Jones and Manning |
Jones, J. K., Jr., and R. W. Manning. 1990. Additional comments on big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from northwestern Texas. Southwest. Nat. 35:342-343. |
1990 | McCaskie et al. |
McCaskie, G., et al. 1990. Notes on identifying arctic and Pacific loons in alternate plumage. Birding 22:70-73. |
1990 | Stahlecker, D.W. and J.J. Rawinski. 1990. First records for the boreal owl in New Mexico. The Condor 92:517-519. |
A90STA01NMUS | |
1990 | Baltosser, W.H. and T.L. Best. 1990. Seasonal occurrence and habitat utilization by lizards in southwestern New Mexico. Southwest. Nat. 35(4):377-384. |
A90BAL01NMUS | |
1990 | Chamberlain-Auger et al. |
Chamberlain-Auger, J. A., P. J. Auger, and E. G. Strauss. 1990. Breeding biology of American crows. Wilson Bull. 102:615-622. |
1990 | Frazer et al. |
Frazer, C., J. R. Longcore, and D. G. McAuley. 1990b. Home range and movements of postfledging American black ducks in eastern Maine. Can. J. Zool. 68:1288-1291. |
1990 | Johnson |
Johnson, P. W. 1990. Black swift (CYPSELOIDES NIGER) nesting in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. New Mexico Ornithol. Soc. Bull. 18:13-15. |
1990 | Noble |
Noble, P. L. 1990. Distribution and density of owls at Monte Bello Open Space Preserve, Santa Clara County, California. Western Birds 21:11-16. |
1990 | Schoen and Kirchhoff |
Schoen, J. W., and M. D. Kirchhoff. 1990. Seasonal habitat use by Sitka black-tailed deer on Admiralty Island, Alaska. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:371-378. |
1990 | Watt and Dimberio |
Watt, D. J., and A. M. Dimberio. 1990. Structure of successful nests of the American goldfinch (CARDUELIS TRISTIS). J. Field Ornithol. 61:413-418. |
1990 | Novak |
Novak, P. G. 1990. Population status of the black tern (CHLIDONIAS NIGER) in New York state, 1989. New York Sate Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish and Wildlife, Nongame Unit, Delmar, NY. 30 pp. |
1990 | Kaufman |
Kaufman, K. 1990. A field guide to advanced birding. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston. xiv + 299 pp. |
1990 | Castetter, R. 1990. Field survey to Gray Ranch - Deer Creek. 8 July, 1990. |
F90CAS06NMUS | |
1990 | Mehlhop, P. 1990. Field survey to Gray Ranch - Lard Tank, Playas Valley. 23 Sept. 1990. |
F90MEH78NMUS | |
1990 | Sibley and Monroe |
Sibley, Charles G. and Burt L. Monroe, Jr. 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Yale University Press. New Haven, Connecticut and London. 1111pp. |
L90SIB0100LA |
1990 | Allen, J. |
Allen, J. Tudek, B. (1990) Assorted Mexican Spotted Owl Forms. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 83 p. |
1990 | Church and Porter |
Church, K.E. and W.F. Porter. 1990. Winter and spring habitat use by gray partridge in New York. J. of Wildlife Management 54:653-657. |
1990 | Gila National Forest |
Gila National Forest. 1990. Reserve Ranger District Spotted Owl habitat description - form 2. |
1990 | Sugg, D.W. 1990. Unpublished listing of amphibians specimens from MSB. 5 pp. |
U90SUG01NMUS | |
1990 | Hoffman |
Hoffman, R. M. 1990. Birds of Wisconsin's deep marshes and shallow open-water communities. Passenger Pigeon 52(3): 259- 272. |
1990 | Propst |
Propst, D. L. 1990. Non-game Biologist. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Sante Fe, NM. |
1990 | LeGrand |
LeGrand, H. 1990. Bewick's wren. In Lee, D. S. and J. F. Parnell (eds.). Endangered, threatened, and rare fauna of North Carolina. Part III. A re-evaluation of the birds. Occasional Papers of the NC Biological Survey: 1990-91. |
1990 | Castetter, R. 1990. Field survey to Gray Ranch - Deer Creek. 7 July, 1990. |
F90CAS05NMUS | |
1990 | Mehlhop, P. 1990. Field survey to Gray Ranch - High Lonesome Well, Playas Valley. 17 Aug. 1990. |
F90MEH68NMUS | |
1990 | Noon and Biles |
Noon, B., and C. M. Biles. 1990. Mathematical demography of spotted owls in the Pacific Northwest. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:18-27. |
1990 | Stahlecker and Rawinski |
Stahlecker, D. W., and J. J. Rawinski. 1990. First records for the boreal owl in New Mexico. Condor 92:517-519. |
1990 | O'Brien, M. 1990. Gray ranch sightings. Unpublished map sent to NMNHP. |
M90OBR01NMUS | |
1990 | Galeano - Popp, R. 1990. Unpub. notes from 90-11-05 phone conversation with David Ferguson re: Talinum humile with attached modem printout from USDA - Forest Service sensitive species file. 3 pp. |
U90GAL01NMUS | |
1990 | Scott, N.J. 1990. Unpublished listing of Rana species specimens at MSB. 2 pp. USFWS, UNM - Biology Dept., Albuquerque, NM 87131 |
U90SCO01NMUS | |
1990 | Morrow, Patrick. 1990. Memorandum for STEWS-EL-N (200-2w), Subject: KEM Camera Site coordination effort by EL-N, 16 Feb 90. 7 pp. |
U90MOR02NMUS | |
1990 | West, S |
West, S. 1990. Fall 1990 report on birds of Gray Ranch. Unpubl. report for the Nature Conservancy (New Mexico Natural Heritage Program) dated 1 Aug. - 30 Nov 1990. 12 p. |
1990 | Dowling |
Dowling, T. E. 1990. Assistant professor. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. |
1990 | Doroff and Keith |
Doroff, A. M., and L. B. Keith. 1990. Demography and ecology of an ornate box turtle (TERRAPENE ORNATA) population in south-central Wisconsin. Copeia 1990:387-399. |
1990 | Janacek |
Janacek, L. L. 1990. Genic variation in the PEROMYSCUS TRUEI group (Rodentia: Cricetidae). J. Mamm. 71:301-308. |
1990 | Patterson et al. |
Patterson, M. E., J. D. Fraser and J. W. Roggenbuck. 1990. Piping plover ecology, management and research needs. Virginia Jour. Sci. 41(4A):419-26. |
1990 | Unknown |
Unknown (1990) Map of Survey for Sopora gypsohila var. guadalupensis. Retrieved from Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1990 | Swengel |
Swengel, S. R. 1990. How to find Saw-whet Owls. Bird Watcher's Digest 12:68-75. |
1990 | Witmer and O'Neil |
Witmer, G., and T. A. O'Neil. 1990. Assessing cumulative impacts to wintering bald eagles in western Washington. Pages 144-150 in Mitchell et al., eds. Ecosystem management: rare species and significant habitats. New York State Museum Bull. 471. |
1990 | Lincoln National Forest |
Lincoln National Forest. 1990. Mexican Spotted Owl daytime follow-up visit form, survey for Mexican Spotted Owl. |
1990 | Wakkinen |
Wakkinen, W. L. 1990. Nest site characteristics and spring-summer movements of migratory sage groude in southeaster Idaho. M.S. thesis, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. |
1990 | Dunmire, W |
Dunmire, W. 1990. Plant collection records 1991. 5 p. |
1990 | Berna |
Berna, H. J. 1990. Observations on the dwarf shrew (SOREX NANUS) in northern Arizona. Great Basin Nat. 50:161-165. |
1990 | Cooper |
Cooper, S. 1990. Notes on piper plover nesting at Cape Hatteras National Seashore during 1987. Chat 54:1-6. |
1990 | Goosen |
Goosen, J. P. 1990. Piping plover research and conservation in Canada. Blue Jay 48:139-153. |
1990 | Jones |
Jones, K. B. 1990. Habitat use and predatory behavior of Thamnophis cyrtopsis (Serpentes: Colubridae) in a seasonally variable aquatic environment. Southwest. Nat. 35:115-122. |
1990 | Meyer |
Meyer, K. D. 1990. Kites. In Proceeding of the Southeast raptor management symposium and workshop. B. G. Pendleton, N. N. LeFranc Jr., and B. A. Millsap (editors). National Wildlife Federation Sci. and Tech. Series No. 14. |
1990 | Stauffer et al. |
Stauffer, D. F., G. A. Cline, and M. J. Tonkovich. 1990. Evaluating potential effects of CRP on bobwhite quail in Piedmont Virginia. Transactions of the North American Wildlife Conference 55:57-67. |
1990 | Bechard et al. |
Bechard, M. J., R. L. Knight, D. G. Smith, and R. E. Fitzner. 1990. Nest sites and habitats of sympatric hawks (BUTEO spp.) in Washington. J. Field Ornithol. 61:159-170. |
1990 | Chester et al. |
Chester, D. N., et al. 1990. Habitat use by nonbreeding bald eagles in North Carolina. J. Wildlife Management 54:223-234. |