Displaying 9001 - 9060 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1990 | Burns, B. 1990. Mexican spotted owl daytime follow-up visit form for Gila National Forest. |
U90BUR01NMUS | |
1990 | Riddle, B. |
Riddle, B. Yates, T. 1990. A Mitochondrial DNA Assessment of Species Status of Several Northern New Mexican Populations of Trout in the Genus Oncorhynchus, a Report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. Department of Biology, the University of New Me |
1990 | Choate et al. |
Choate, L. L., et al. 1990. Westward ho: continued dispersal of the pygmy mouse, Baiomys taylori, on the Llano Estacado and in adjacent areas of Texas. Occas. Pap. Mus. Texas Tech Univ. (134):1-8. |
1990 | Blankenship et al. |
Blankenship, E. L., T. W. Bryan, and S. P. Jacobsen. 1990. A method for tracking tortoises using fluorescent powder. Herpetol. Rev. 21:88-89. |
1990 | Diamond |
Diamond, G. 1990. Morone saxatilis returns! (The rock are back!). Maryland Magazine, Autumn 1990, pp. 53-54. |
1990 | Hanowski and Niemi |
Hanowski, J. M., and G. J. Niemi. 1990. An approach for quantifying habitat characteristics for rare wetland birds. Pages 51-56 in Mitchell et al., editors. Ecosystem management: rare species and significant habitats. New York State Museum Bulletin 471. |
1990 | Kilpi |
Kilpi, M. 1990. Breeding biology of the herring gull LARUS ARGENTATUS in the northern Baltic. Ornis Fennica 67:130-140. |
1990 | Pierce and Whitehurst |
Pierce, B.A. and Whitehurst, P.H. 1990. Pseudacris clarkii. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 458:1-3. |
1990 | Szaro, R.C. Southwestern Riparian Plant Communities: site characteristics, tree species distributions, and size-class structures. For. Ecol. Manage. 33/34:315-334. |
A90SZA02NMUS | |
1990 | Barrowclough and Gutierrez |
Barrowclough, G. F., and R. J. Gutierrez. 1990. Genetic variation and differentiation in the spotted owl (STRIX OCCIDENTALIS). Auk 107:737-744. |
1990 | DeBruin, E. 1990. Field survey to Organ Peak, Organ Mts, Sept 7, 1990. |
F90DEB47NMUS | |
1990 | Blair, T.C.,J.S. Clark,S.G. Wells |
Blair, T.C., J.S. Clark, and S.G. Wells. 1990. Quaternary continental stratigraphy, landscape evolution, and application to archeology: Jarilla piedmont and Tularosa graben floor, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. Ecological Society of America Bullet |
1990 | Kelsch and Hendricks |
Kelsch, S. W., and F. S. Hendricks. 1990. Distribution of the headwater catfish Ictalurus lupus (Osteichthyes: Ictaluridae). Southwestern Naturalist 35:292-297. |
1990 | Petit and Tarbin |
Petit, K. E., and K. A. Tarbin. 1990. First record of Prothonotary Warbler from Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. American Birds 44:1094. |
1990 | Roth and Smith |
Roth, J. J., and H. M. Smith. 1990. The milksnake, Lampropeltis triangulum, in northwest Colorado. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 25(1):6-7. |
1990 | White et al. |
White, C. M., R. W. Fyfe, and D. B. Lemon. 1990. The 1980 North American peregrine falcon, FALCO PEREGRINUS, survey. Canadian Field-Naturalist 104:174-181. |
1990 | Varela-Romero et al. |
Varela-Romero, A., L. Juarez-Romero and J. Campoy-Favela. 1990 (unpub. draft). Lospeces dulceacuicolas de Sonora. Centro Ecologico de Sonora, A. P. 1495, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. |
1990 | Castetter, R |
Castetter, R. 1990. Bird survey of Gray Ranch and Organ mountains. Unpubl. report for New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 25 p. |
1990 | Lightfoot & Muldavin Associates, Environmental Consultants (David Lightfoot and Esteban Muldavin). 1990. Biological clearance survey of the GAM-83 site, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. 2 June 1990. 16 pp. |
U90LMA01NMUS | |
1990 | Collins |
Collins, J. T. 1990. Standard common and current scientific names for North American amphibians and reptiles. 3rd ed. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Herpetological Circular No. 19. 41 pp. |
1990 | Rosenberg et al. |
Rosenberg, K.V., R.D. Ohmart, W.C. Hunter, and B.W. Anderson. 1990. Birds of the lower Colorado River valley. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 464 pp. |
1990 | Benson and Benson |
Benson, R. H., and K. L. P. Benson. 1990. Estimated size of black-capped vireo population in northern Coahuila, Mexico. Condor 92:777-9. |
1990 | Conover |
Conover, M. R. 1990. Reducing mammalian predation on eggs by using a conditioned taste aversion to deceive predators. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:360-365. |
1990 | Gray |
Gray, M. T. 1990. Denver's urban beavers--a gnawing problem. Colorado Outdoors 39(1):27-29. |
1990 | Lee |
Lee, T. E., Jr. 1990. Geographic distribution of the cytotypes of CHAETODIPUS NELSONI CANESCENS (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). Southwest. Nat. 454-455. |
1990 | Petit et al. |
Petit, L. J., et al. 1990. Intersexual and temporal variation in foraging ecology of prothonotary warblers during the breeding season. Auk 107:133-145. See also Auk 107:146-152. |
1990 | Siegel, R.S. and J.H. Brock. 1990. Germination requirements of key southwestern woody riparian species. Desert Plants 10:3-8. |
A90SIE01NMUS | |
1990 | Zicus |
Zicus, M. C. 1990. Nesting biology of hooded mergansers using nest boxes. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:637-643. |
1990 | Kelly, S.K. |
Kelly, S.K. (1990) Unpublished Letter to Regional Forester Subject: Owl Data Forms and Narrative (1989 and 1990). Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 81 p. |
1990 | Unknown |
Unknown (1990) Final Report for Mexican Spotted Owl Survey, Aldo Leopold Wilderness, Contract Number 53-8399-0-0059. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 22 p. |
1990 | Zaranski and Baptist |
Zaranski, J. D., and T. R. Baptist. 1990. Connecticut birds. University Press of New England, Hanover, NH. |
1990 | Mehlhop, P. 1990. Field survey to Gray Ranch - S. Animas Valley and Playa. 17 Aug. 1990. |
F90MEH02NMUS | |
1990 | Maughn |
Maughn, E. 1990. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research unit. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. |
1990 | Bildstein and Collopy |
Bildstein, K. L., and M. W. Collopy. 1990. Northern harrier. Pages 70-7 in B. G. Pendleton (editor). Proc. Southeast raptor management symposium and workshop. National wildlife Federation, Washington, D. C. |
1990 | Copeyon |
Copeyon, C. K. 1990. A technique for constructing cavities for the the red-cockaded woodpecker. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 18:303-311. |
1990 | Jones and Whitham |
Jones, J. M., and J. H. Whitham. 1990. Post-translocation survival and movement of metropolitan white-tailed deer. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 18:434-441. |
1990 | Medin |
Medin, D. E. 1990. Birds of a shadscale (ATRIPLEX CONFERTIFOLIA) habitat in east central Nevada. Great Basin Nat. 50:295-298. |
1990 | Porter and Savignano |
Porter, S.D. and D.A. Savignano. 1990. Invasion of polygyne fire ants decimates native ants and disrupts arthropod community. Ecology 71(6):2095-2106. |
1990 | Van Daele et al. |
Van Daele, L. J., V. G. Barnes, Jr., and R. B. Smith. 1990. Denning characteristics of brown bears on Kodiak Island, Alaska. International Conference on Bear Research and Management 8:257-267. |
1990 | Daly, L. |
Daly, L. Parker, M. (1990) 1990 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1990 | Poague, L. |
Poagua, L. (1990) Unpublished Letter to Regional Forester, R-3, Subject: Spotted Owl Information Request (Your ltr. 6/7), Containing Multiple Mexican Spotted Owl Documents.Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 46 p. |
1990 | Castetter, R. 1990. Photographs of location for Phanerophlebia auriculata and Perityle cernua. |
U90CAS02NMUS | |
1990 | Romme, R. |
Romme, R. 1990. 1990 Bald Eagle Survey, Lincoln National Forest. |
1990 | Churchfield |
Churchfield, S. 1990. The natural history of shrews. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY. 178 pp. |
1990 | Bleich et al. |
Bleich, V. C., J. D. Wehausen, and S. A. Holl. 1990. Desert-dwelling mountain sheep: conservation implications of a naturally fragmented distribution. Conservation Biology 4:383-390. |
1990 | Dragoo, J.W.,J.R. Choate,T.L. Yates,T.P. O'Farrell |
Dragoo, J.W., J.R. Choate, T.L. Yates, and T.P. O'Farrell. 1990. Evolutionary and taxonomic relationships among North American arid-land foxes. Journal of Mammalogy. 71(3):318-332. |
1990 | Haug and Oliphant |
Haug, E. A., and L. W. Oliphant. 1990. Movements, activity patterns, and habitat use of burrowing owls in Saskatchewan. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:27-35. |
1990 | Kirkland and Krim |
Kirkland, G. L. Jr., and P. M. Krim. 1990. Survey of the statuses of the mammals of Pennsylvania. J. Pennsylvania Acad. Sci. 64(1):33-45. |
1990 | Platz et al. |
Platz, J. E., et al. 1990. Rana berlandieri: recently introduced populations in Arizona and southeastern California. Copeia 1990:324-333. |
1990 | Thies, M. and W. Claire. 1990. Association of Neotoma micropus nests with various plant species in southwestern Oklahoma. Southwest. Nat. 35(1):80-82. |
A90THI01NMUS | |
1990 | Barker et al. |
Barker, W. T., et al. 1990. Effects of specialized grazing systems on waterfowl production in southcentral North Dakota. Trans. 55th North American Wildl. & Nat. Res. Conf., pp. 462-474. |
1990 | DeBruin, E. 1990. Field survey to Organ Mts for Coryphantha organensis. Davies Tank field map, Sept 24, 1990. |
F90DEB51NMUS | |
1990 | Bowling and Touchberry |
Bowling, A. T., and R. W. Touchberry. 1990. Parentage of Great Basin feral horses. J. Wildl. Manage. 54:424-429. |
1990 | Kerpez and Smith |
Kerpez, T. A., and N. S. Smith. 1990a. Competition between European starlings and native woodpeckers for nest cavities in saguaros. Auk 107:367-375. |
1990 | Phillips |
Phillips, J. B. 1990. Lek behaviour in birds: do displaying males reduce nest predation? Animal Behaviour 39:555-565. |
1990 | Sakai and Noon |
Sakai, H. F., and B. R. Noon. 1990. Variation in the foraging behavior of two flycatchers: associations with stage of the breeding cycle. Studies in Avian Biology 13:237-244. |
1990 | Bull et al. |
Bull, E. L., R. S. Holthausen, and M. G. Henju. 1990. Techniques for monitoring pileated woodpeckers. Forest Service General Technical Report. PNW-GRT-269. |
1990 | Cully, A. and R. Sivinski. 1990. Monitoring endangered plants. Performance report for 1989-1990 to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. |
U90CUL01NMUS | |
1990 | Mongold, R |
Mongold, R. 1990. Bird survey forms from Roger Mongold. Includes Filmore canyon, Dripping springs and Soladad arroyo. Dona Ana Co., NM. . 9 p. |
1990 | Johnson et al. |
Johnson, T. B., et. al. 1990. Summary of literature on the Sonaran Desert population of the desert tortoise. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program, Phoenix, AZ. 63 pp. |