Displaying 7981 - 8040 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1991 | Sivinski, R., and K. Lightfoot. 1991. NM rare plant occurrence record data sheet of 15 August 1991 for Argemone pleiacantha ssp pinnatisecta. EMNRD, Santa Fe, NM. |
U91SIV07NMUS | |
1991 | Grooms and Peterson |
Grooms, S., and D. Peterson. 1991. Bluebirds! NorthWord Press, Inc. 160 pp. |
1991 | Lincoln National Forest |
Lincoln National Forest. 1991. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms. |
1991 | Sivinski, R. 1991. NM rare plant occurrence record data sheet of 1 May 1991 for Phacelia splendens. EMNRD, Santa Fe, NM. |
U91SIV03NMUS | |
1991 | Black, C. and J. Black. 1991. Field survey to Gray Ranch - Fitzpatricks - site #1 on 20-21 June 1991. |
F91BLA04NMUS | |
1991 | Painter, C.W. 1991. Letter to Patricia Mehlhop regarding Sceloporis scalaris location, 20 Dec 1991. 1p + map. |
P91PAI01NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #9A, 27 May, 1991. |
F91DEB42NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - near stop #3 on 22 MAY 1991. |
F91DB105NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #3 23 May, 1991 |
F91DEB05NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-Kutz ACEC area stop #16 on 9 May 1991. |
F91DEB66NMUS | |
1991 | Anderson, J |
Anderson, J. 1991. Survey maps for Mexican Spotted Owl in Cibola National Forest. 7 p. |
1991 | Caire |
Caire, W. 1991. A breeding population of the northern pygmy mouse, BAIOMYS TAYLORI, in southwestern Oklahoma. Southwest Nat. 36:364-365. |
1991 | Decker and Wozencraft |
Decker, D. M., and W. C. Wozencraft. 1991. Phylogenetic analysis of recent procyonid genera. Journal of Mammalogy 72:42-55. |
1991 | Harris |
Harris, J. H. 1991. Effects of brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds on willow flycatcher nesting success along the Kern River, California. Western Birds 22:13-26. |
1991 | Jennings, R. 1991. Alamosa Warm Springs. Hand-drawn map of Alamosa Warm Springs locations of 1987-1991 herpetological field work. |
M91JEN01NMUS | |
1991 | Padgett and Rose |
Padgett, T. M., and R. K. Rose. 1991. Bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) of the Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia and North Carolina. Brimleyana 17:17-25. |
1991 | Savard et al. |
Savard, J.-P. L., G. E. J. Smith, and J. N. M. Smith. 1991. Duckling mortality in Barrow's goldeneye and bufflehead broods. Auk 108:568-577. |
1991 | Waser and Elliot |
Waser, P. M., and L. F. Elliot. 1991. Dispersal and genetic structure in kangaroo rats. Evolution 45:935-943. |
1991 | Kartesz |
Kartesz, J. T. 1991. Synonym names from 1991 checklist, as extracted by Larry Morse, TNC, June 1991. |
1991 | Sivinski, R. 1991. New Mexico rare plant occurrence record data sheet for Mammillaria viridiflora. NM Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. July 8, 1991. |
U91SIV11NMUS | |
1991 | Alberico et al. |
Alberico, J. A. R., J. M. Reed, and L. W. Oring. 1991. Nesting near a common tern colony increases and decreases spotted sandpiper nest predation. Auk 108:904-910. |
1991 | Byrd and Johnston |
Byrd, M. A., and D. W. Johnston. 1991. Birds. Pages 477-537 in K. Terwilliger, coordinator. Virginia's endangered species: proceedings of a symposium. McDonald and Woodward Publ. Co., Blacksburg, Virginia. |
1991 | Gibbs et al. |
Gibbs, J.P., W.G. Shriver, and S.M. Melvin. 1991. Spring and summer records of the Yellow Rail in Maine. Journal of Field Ornithology 62(4):509-516. |
1991 | Jung |
Jung, R. E. 1991. Effects of human activities and lake characteristics on the behavior and breeding success of common loons. Passenger Pigeon 53(3):207-218. |
1991 | Oldham and Smith |
Oldham, J. C., and H. M. Smith. 1991. The generic status of the smooth green snake, Opheodrys vernalis. Bull. Maryland Herp. Soc. 27(4):201-215. |
1991 | Schroeder |
Schroeder, M. A. 1991. Movement and lek visitation by female greater prairie-chickens in relation to predictions of Bradbury's female preference hypothesis of lek evolution. Auk 108:896-903. |
1991 | Christens and Blokpoel |
Christens, E., and H. Blokpoel. 1991. Operational spraying of white mineral oil to prevent hatching of gull eggs. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:423-430. |
1991 | Klenner and Krebs |
Klenner, W., and C. J. Krebs. 1991. Red squirrel population dynamics. I. The effect of supplemental food on demography. J. Anim. Ecol. 60:961-978. |
1991 | Nesom |
Nesom, G. L. 1991. A new species of Erigeron (Asteraceae: Astereae) from Northwestern New Mexico. Phytologia. 71(5): 416-419. |
1991 | Schmutz et al. |
Schmutz, J. K., R. W. Fyfe, U. Banasch and H. Armbruster. 1991. Routes and timing of migration of falcons banded in Canada. Wilson Bull. 103:44-58. |
1991 | Young |
Young, B. E. 1991. Annual molts and interruption of the fall migration for molting in Lazuli buntings. Condor 93:236-250. |
1991 | Goldsmith |
Goldsmith, F.B. 1991. Monitoring for Conservation and Ecology. Chapman and Hall, New York, New York, USA. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #1 22 May, 1991. |
F91DEB03NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-Adobe Downs Ranch, stops #12, 13, 14, on 1 May 1991. |
F91DEB56NMUS | |
1991 | Persecetti, C. and J. Horton. 1991. USGS Capitan Peak 7.5' topo map with Astragalus kerrii from 23-31 May 1991 field survey to Capitan Mts for TNC. |
M91PER01NMUS | |
1991 | Altenbach, J. Scott. 1991. Untitled letter about "Lava Cave." Department of Biology, University of New Mexico. October 1991. 2 pp. |
U91ALT01NMUS | |
1991 | Mehlhop, P., et al |
Mehlhop, P., et al. 1991. Status and distribution of Erigeron rhizomatus (Zuni Fleabane) within a designated satellite image reflectance value in the Datil and Sawtooth Mts. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for Cibola National Forest. |
1991 | Sivinski, R. 1991. Letter to Douglas F. Irving of Chapman, Wood, and Griswold, Inc. Concerning proposed mining impact on Townsendia gypsophila occurring in Sec. 16, T15NR1E. |
U91SIV12NMUS | |
1991 | Bildstein et al. |
Bildstein, K. L., P. C. Frederick, and M. G. Spalding. 1991. Feeding patterns and aggressive behavior in juvenile and adult American flamingos. Condor 93:916-925. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field Ssurvey to Ball Ranch - Stop #22 on 5 Aug 1991. |
F91CLA04NMUS | |
1991 | Cooch et al. |
Cooch, E. G., D. B. Lank, R. F. Rockwell, and F. Cooke. 1991. Long-term decline in body size in a Snow Goose population: evidence of environmental degradation? Journal of Animal Ecology 60:483-496. |
1991 | Fleming |
Fleming, T. H. 1991. Following the nectar trail. Bats 9(4):4-7. |
1991 | Dennis |
Dennis, R. 1991. Ospreys. Colin Baxter Photography. 48 pp. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #3 on 22 April 1991. |
F91DEB59NMUS | |
1991 | Price |
Price, R. M. 1991. Senticolis, S. triaspis. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles 525.1-525.4. |
1991 | Mongold, R. 1991. Field survey to Capitan Mts - Sawset Canyon, 31 May 1991. |
F91MON02NMUS | |
1991 | Laudenslayer et al. |
Laudenslayer et al. 1991. California Fish and Game 77(3):109-141.[full citation not available] |
1991 | Mayer and Ryan |
Mayer, P. M., and M. R. Ryan. 1991a. Survival rates of artificial piping plover nests in American avocet colonies. Condor 93:753-755. |
1991 | Rogers et al. |
Rogers, L. L., G. A. Wilker, and S. S. Scott. 1991. Reactions of black bears to human menstrual odors. J. Wildlife Management 55:632-634. |
1991 | Bravo-Hollis and Sanchez-Mejorada |
Bravo-Hollis, H. y H. Sanchez-Mejorada. 1991. Las Cactaceas de MUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de MMVol. II Y III. |
1991 | Kartesz |
Kartesz, J. T. 1991. Accepted taxon names from 1991 checklist, as extracted by Larry Morse, TNC, June 1991. |
1991 | Sivinski, R. 1991. Status report on Sophora gypsophila var. guadalupensis. NM Dept. of Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources, Forestry Division. |
U91SIV08NMUS | |
1991 | Hotker |
Hotker, H. (ed.) 1991. Waders Breeding on Wet Grasslands. Wader Study Group Bull. 61, Supplement. |
1991 | Gila National Forest. 1991. Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plant Program report on Allium gooddingii, Rumex orthoneurus and Senecio quarens. |
U91GNF01NMUS | |
1991 | Madrid, B. |
Madrid, B. Arvedson, C. (1991) 1881 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 2 p. |
1991 | Sivinski, R. and K. Lightfoot. 1991. NM rare plant occurrence record data sheet of 28 June 1991 for Cypripedium pubescens. EMNRD, Santa Fe, NM. |
U91SIV05NMUS | |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #3 on 19 July 1991. |
F91CLA05NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #15 on 4 May 1991. |
F91DEB51NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #12 on 23 May 1991. |
F91DB109NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #10 23 May, 1991. |