Displaying 7741 - 7800 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1991 | Dolbeer et al. |
Dolbeer, R. A., et al. 1991. Efficacy of two gas cartridge formulations in killing woodchucks in burrows. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:200-204. |
1991 | Herkert |
Herkert, J.R. 1991b. Study suggests increases in restored prairie fragments to conserve breeding bird communities. Restoration and Management Notes 9:107. |
1991 | Lyman |
Lyman, R. L. 1991. Late Quaternary biogeography of the pygmy rabbit (BRACHYLAGUS IDAHOENSIS) in eastern Washington. J. Mamm. 72:110-117. |
1991 | Pinkowski |
Pinkowski, B. 1991. Wood Thrush. Pages 356-7 in R. Brewer, G. A. McPeek, and R. J. Adams Jr. (editors). The atlas of breeding birds of Michigan. Michigan State University Press, East Lansing, Michigan. |
1991 | Walker et al. |
Walker, J. M., R. M. Abuhteba, and J. E. Cordes. 1991. Morphological and experimental verification of hybridization between all-female Cnemidophorus laredoensis B and gonochoristic Cnemidophorus gularis (Squamata: Teiidae). Herpetologica 47:152-164. |
1991 | Collins et al. |
Collins, C.T., K. Corey, J. Pike, and L.R. Hays. 1991. The status and management of the Least Bell's Vireo within the Prado Basin, California, 1986-1990. Final Rep. to Orange County Water District, Fountain Valley, CA. |
1991 | Bickle et al. |
Bickle, C. A., J. F. Kirkpatrick, and J. W. Turner, Jr. 1991. Contraception in striped skunks with Norplant implants. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:334-338. |
1991 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1991. Request for information on the Arctic and American peregrine falcons. Federal Register 56(113):26969-26971. |
1991 | Huff and Raley |
Huff, M.H., and C.M. Raley. 1991. Regional patterns of diurnal breeding bird communities in Oregon and Washington. Pages 176-205 in L.F. Ruggiero, K.B. Aubry, A.B. Carey, and M.H. Huff, technical coordinators. Wildlife and Vegetation of unmanaged Douglas- |
1991 | Li and Gold |
Li, Y., and J. R. Gold. 1991. Cytogenetic studies in North American minnows (Cyprinidae): XXII. Chromosomal nucleolar organizer regions in the genus Pimephales. Canadian Journal of Zoology 69:2826-2830. |
1991 | Reeder |
Reeder, J.R. 1991. A new species of Panicum (Gramineae from Arizona. Phytologia 71(4): 300-303. |
1991 | Szymczak and Rexstad |
Szymczak, M. R., and E. A. Rexstad. 1991. Harvest distribution and survival of a gadwall population. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:592-600. |
1991 | Page and Burr |
Page, L. M., and B. M. Burr. 1991. A field guide to freshwater fishes: North America north of Mexico. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. 432 pp. |
1991 | Rosenberg et al. |
Rosenberg, K.V., R.D. Ohmart, W.C. Hunter, and B.W. Anderson. 1991. Birds of the Lower Colorado River valley. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 416 pp. |
1991 | Schmidly |
Schmidly, D. J. 1991. The bats of Texas. Texas A & M University Press, College Station, Texas. 188 pp. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #23 on 5 Aug 1991. |
F91CLA19NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #11A, 27 May, 1991 |
F91DEB40NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area - Hampton Arroyo ACEC plot #17 on 6 May 1991. |
F91DEB91NMUS | |
1991 | Cortez, F. |
Cortez, F. Suazo, L. Medina, H. 1991. Rio Chiquito Stream Summary, Reach Number 1. Questa Ranger District, Carson National Forest. USFS |
1991 | Jennings, R. 1991. Structure for i2. Unpub printout of invertebrate database assembled by R. Jennings at UNM Biology Dept. |
U91JEN04NMUS | |
1991 | Perlman |
Perlman, M. Walsh, J.. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Tres Peidras Ranger District, Carson National Forest, USFS. 75 p. |
1991 | Brennan and Morrison |
Brennan, L. A., and M. L. Morrison. 1991. Long-term trends of chickadee populations in western North America. Condor 93:130-137. |
1991 | Clayton, P. 1991. Field survey to Ball Ranch - Stop #20 on 5 Aug 1991. |
F91CLA21NMUS | |
1991 | Cronin et al. |
Cronin, M. A., S. C. Amstrup, G. W. Garner, and E. R. Vyse 1991. Interspecific and intraspecific mitochondrial DNA variation in North American bears (Ursus). Canadian Journal of Zoology 69(12):2985-2992. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #32 29 May, 1991. |
F91DEB27NMUS | |
1991 | Mehlhop, P. 1991. Field survey to Faywood Cienega on 28 April 1991. |
F91MEH02NMUS | |
1991 | Hussell |
Hussell, D. J. T. 1991b. Spring migrations of alder and willow flycatchers in southern Ontario. Journal of Field Ornithology 62(1):69-77. |
1991 | Novak et al. |
Novak, J. M., et al. 1991. Catch-effort estimation of white-tailed deer population size. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:31-38. |
1991 | Pechmann et al. |
Pechmann, J.H.K., D.E. Scott, R.D. Semlitsch, J.P. Caldwell, L J. Vitt, and J.W. Gibbons. 1991. Declining amphibian populations: the problem of separating human impacts from natural fluctuations. Science 253:892-895. |
1991 | Stromberg, J.C., D.T. Patten, and B.D. Richter. 1991. Flood flows and dynamics of Sonoran riparian forests. Rivers 2:221-235. |
A91STR01NMUS | |
1991 | Anderson, D. L. 1991. Plant collection log sheet for ^&Oenothera organensis - log #23: along Ash Canyon. 13 June 1991. |
U91AND02NMUS | |
1991 | Dunmire, W.W. 1991. An inventory of populations of threatened, endangered and sensitive plant species with observations on condition of these populations and recommendations for future management actions. T&E sensitive plant survey, Horse Mountain ACEC, S |
U91DUN07NMUS | |
1991 | Watson et al. |
Watson, J. W., M. G. Garrett, and R. G. Anthony. 1991. Foraging ecology of bald eagles in the Columbia River estuary. J. Wildlife Management 55:492-499. |
1991 | New Mexico Dept of Game and Fish. 1991. NM fish specimen database. Unpub printout from NM Dept Game and Fish computerized fish database, listing Oncorhynchus gilae from various museums, dated 10 April 1991. |
U91NEW02NMUS | |
1991 | Unknown |
Unknown (1991) Mexican Spotted Owl Annual Inventory and Monitoring Report for the Lincoln National Forest, 1991. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 22 p. |
1991 | Smith |
Smith, S. M. 1991. The black-capped chickadee: behavioral ecology and natural history. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca. xi + 362 pp. |
1991 | Burns, B. |
Burns, B. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 30 p. |
1991 | Jennings, R. 1991. Alamosa Warm Springs-microhabitats. Unpub. Rana chiricahuensis data from Randy Jennings. Biology Dept. UNM. |
U91JEN01NMUS | |
1991 | Quesenberry, L. 1991. Unpub. printout of Bureau Land Mgt. T & E plant database for Gilia formosa 2 Jan. 1991. 2 pp. |
U91QUE01NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. Sept. 1991. Special plant survey form for Scrophularia laevis. |
F91DB115NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #5 23 May, 1991 |
F91DEB06NMUS | |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area- Little Slane Canyon - stop #24 on 6 May 1991. |
F91DEB88NMUS | |
1991 | Mehlhop |
Mehlhop, P. 1991. Field survey to Mineral Creek on 27 June 1991. |
1991 | DeBruin, E. 1991. Field survey to Fort Stanton ACEC - Stop #42, 27 May, 1991. |
F91DEB45NMUS | |
1991 | Reed, S. 1991. Field survey to Capitan Mtd. - Raton Spring 31 May 1991. |
F91REE04NMUS | |
1991 | Blake |
Blake, J.G. 1991. Nested subsets and the distribution of birds on isolated woodlots. Conservation Biology 5:58-66. |
1991 | Conover and Kania |
Conover, M. R., and G. S. Kania. 1991. Characteristics of feeding sites used by urban-suburban flocks of Canada geese in Connecticut. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:36-38. |
1991 | Krementz et al. |
Krementz, D. G., et al. 1991. Historical changes in laying date, clutch size, and nest success of American black ducks. J. Wildl. Manage. 55:462-466. |
1991 | Morton |
Morton, M.L. 1991. Postfledging dispersal of green-tailed towhees to a subalpine meadow. Condor 93:466-468. |
1991 | Tango et al. |
Tango, P. J., E. D. Michael, and J. I. Cromer. 1991. Mating and first-season births in interstate transplanted river otters, LUTRA CANADENSIS (Carnivora: Mustelidae). Brimleyana 17:53-55. |
1991 | Burns, B. |
Burns, B. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 24 p. |
1991 | Gutierrez, R.J. |
Gutierrez, R.J. (1991) Demography of Two Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucda) Populations in Arizona and New Mexico; Preliminary Results, 1991, Bundled with Supporting Documentation. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Fore |
1991 | Hansen et al. |
Hansen, P., K. Boggs, and R. Pfister. 1991. Classification and management of riparian and wetland sites in Montana. Unpublished draft version prepared for Montana Riparian Association, Montana Forest and Conservation Experiment Station, School of Forestry |
1991 | Sanchez, B. |
Sanchez, B. (1991) Formal Spotted Owl Monitoring, Management Territory 0602005. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 11 p. |
1991 | Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept |
Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept., Resource Protection Division. 1991. Endangered resources annual status report. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, TX, 45 pp + appendices. |
1991 | Buehler et al. |
Buehler, D. A., et al. 1991e. Winter microclimate of bald eagle roosts on the northern Chesapeake Bay. Auk 108:612-618. |
1991 | Doncaster and MacDonald |
Doncaster, C. P., and D. W. MacDonald. 1991. Drifting territoriality in the red fox Vulpes vulpes. J. Anim. Ecol. 60:423-439. |
1991 | Hoffman |
Hoffman, R. W. 1991. Spring movements, roosting activities, and home-range characteristics of male Merriam's wild turkey. Southwest. Nat. 36:332-337. |
1991 | Mah and Nuechterlein |
Mah, J., and G. L. Nuechterlein. 1991. Feeding behavior of red-winged blackbirds on bird-resistant sunflowers. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 19:39-46. |
1991 | Platania et al. |
Platania, S. P., K. R. Bestgen, M. A. Moretti, D. L. Propst, and J. E. Brooks. 1991. Status of Colorado squawfish and razorback sucker in the San Juan River, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Southwestern Naturalist 36:147-150. |