Johnson, K. 2000. Lesser Prairie-chicken habitat use on the Sand Ranch and population status in the Caprock Wildlife Habitat Management Area, 2000. 23 p.
Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
Johnson, K. 2000. Lesser Prairie-chicken habitat use on the Sand Ranch and population status in the Caprock Wildlife Habitat Management Area, 2000. 23 p.
McDonald, L., J. Griswold, T. Rintz, and G. Gardner. 2012. Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). Report prepared for the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies by West, Inc. 43p.
Patten, M.A., D.H. Wolfe, and S.K. Sherrod. 2006. The effects of shrub control and grazing on habitat quality and reproductive success of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Final Report to New Mexico Dept. Game and Fish. 21pp.
Johnson, K. and H. Smith. 1999. Survey of the Lesser Prairie-chicken on Bureau of Land Management Lands, Carlsbad Resource Area, NM. 12 p. + app.
Johnson, K., H. Smith, and K. Score. 1997. Trapping and radio telemetry of Lesser Prairie Chickens on BLM Lands: 1997 Final Report. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 8 p. + app.
Johnson, K. and H. Smith. 1999. Lesser Prairie-chicken surveys on New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Prairie-chicken Management Areas. 27 p. + app.
Smith, B.H., K. Johnson, and L. DeLay. 1998. Survey of the Lesser Prairie Chicken on Bureau of Land Management lands, Carlsbad Resource Area, NM. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 11 p.+ app.
Johnson, K., H. Smith, and K. Score. 1998. Lesser Prairie Chicken surveys, NM Dept. of Game and Fish Prairie Chicken Management Areas & radio telemetry study, Caprock Wildlife Management Area. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. NMNHP.
Johnson, K., K. Score, and H. Smith. 1997. Final report of 1997 surveys for Lesser Prairie Chickens on New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Prairie Chicken Management Areas and Trapping and Radio Telemetry on BLM Lands. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natu
New Mexico LPC/SDL Working Group. 2005. Collaborative conservation strategies for the lesser prairie-chicken and sand dune lizard in New Mexico. Findings and recommendations of the New Mexico LPC/SDL Working Group. August 2005. 179p. + maps