Displaying 3481 - 3540 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1999 | Baker, M. |
Baker, M. (1999) Multiple Bundled Lincoln National Forest Inventory Completion Reports, Sensitive Plant Surveys, Field Notes. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 38 p. |
1999 | L. DeLay,Ladyman, J.A.R.,M. A. Bogan,P. Gegick |
Ladyman, J.A.R., L. DeLay, P. Gegick, and M. A. Bogan. 1999. Status and reproductive biology of Lepidospartum burgessii (Burgess broomshrub or gypsum broomscale). 110 p. |
1999 | Heil and Herring |
Heil, K., and J. Herring. 1999. New Mexico Rare Plants: Amsonia tharpii (Tharp's blue-star). New Mexico Rare Plant Technical Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Online. Available: http://nmrareplants.unm.edu (Version 15 March 2002). Accessed 2003, April 15. |
1999 | B.R. North,D.L. Brubaker,J.E. Puschock,K.L. Brubaker,M.C. Andersen,M.L. Munson-McGee,Thompson, B.C., |
Thompson, B.C., J.E. Puschock, D.L. Brubaker, K.L. Brubaker, W.R. Gould, M.L. Munson-McGee, M.C. Andersen, and B.R. North. 1999. Bird species of special concern: occurrence, habitat associations, and potential adverse impacts at White Sands Missile Range. |
1999 | Neville, T. |
Neville, T. 1999. Malpai borderlands composite of digital raster graphics. |
1999 | Hoagstrom, C.W.,J.E. Brooks |
Hoagstrom, C.W. and J.E. Brooks. 1999. Distribution, status, and conservation of the Pecos Pupfish, Cyprinodon pecosensis. Tech. Rpt. No. 2. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. NM Dept. of Game and Fish. 75 p. |
1999 | Larsen, R.R |
Larsen, R.R. 1999. The Anisoptera and Zygoptera of Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. A formal list containintg the known and confirmed specimens collected up to July 14, 1999. 3 p. |
1999 | Suminski, R. |
Suminski, R. 1999. Facsimile to S. Gottlieb with excerpt from Peregrine Falcon L-19 nest site plan. 7 p. |
1999 | Boarman and Heinrich |
Boarman, W. I., and B. Heinrich. Common Raven (CORVUS CORAX). No. 476 IN A. Poole and F. Gill, eds. The birds of North America. The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. 32pp. |
1999 | Knudson and Bordelon |
Knudson, E. and C. Bordelon. 1999b. Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Texas Lepidoptera Survey #4, 82 pp. |
1999 | Braun |
Braun, C.E. 1999a. The status of the Gunnison sage grouse. Presentation given to the Western Sage Grouse Status Conference, Jan. 14-15, 1999, Boise, ID. Online. Available: http://www.rangenet.org/projects/grouse.html. |
1999 | Tibbitts and Moskoff |
Tibbitts, T. L., and W. Moskoff. 1999. Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). No. 427 IN: A. Poole and F. Gill, editors. The birds of North America. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, and The American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C. 28pp |
1999 | Nekola et al. |
Nekola, J.C., M. Barthel, P. Massart, and E. North. 1999. Terrestrial gastropod inventory of igneous outcrops in northeastern Minnesota. Final Report: 1998 Natural Heritage and Nongame Research Program, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, |
1998 | Muehter |
Muehter, V.R. 1998. WatchList Website, National Audubon Society, Version 97.12. Online. Available: http://www.audubon.org/bird/watch/. |
1998 | Murphy and Lehnhausen |
Murphy, E. C., and W. A. Lehnhausen. 1998. Density and foraging ecology of woodpeckers following a stand-replacement fire. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:1359-1372. |
1998 | Fuentes-Granados et al. |
Fuentes-Granados, R.G., M.P. Widrlechner, and L.A. Wilson. 1998. An overview of Agastache research. Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 6(1): 69-97. |
1998 | McDonald and Reese |
McDonald, M.W. and K.P. Reese. 1998. Landscape changes within the historical distribution of Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in eastern Washington: is there hope? Northwest Bioscience 72:34-41. |
1998 | Waits et al. |
Waits, L. P., S. L. Talbot, R. H. Ward, and G. F. Shields. 1998. Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of the North American brown bear and implications for conservation. Conservation Biology 12:408-417. |
1998 | Allen |
Allen, Thomas, 1998. Butterflies of West Virginia and Their Caterpillars. University of Pittsburgh Press. |
1998 | National Biological Service, et al |
National Biological Service, et al. 1998. Arizona Gap Vegetation Map. |
1998 | Ladyman, J.,Y. Chauvin |
Ladyman, J. and Y. Chauvin. 1998. A floristic study of rare and sensitive species at the New Mexico Army National Guard Roswell (WETS) and Black Mountain Training Sites. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for the NM National Guard. 28 |
1998 | Sailor, L.M. |
Sailor, L.M. (1998) Population Site Report enclosed in a message to L. Paul. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1998 | Verts and Carraway |
Verts, B. J., and L. N. Carraway. 1998. Land mammals of Oregon. University of California Press, Berkeley. xvi + 668 pp. |
1998 | H. Smith,Johnson, K.,K. Score |
Johnson, K., H. Smith, and K. Score. 1998. Lesser Prairie Chicken surveys, NM Dept. of Game and Fish Prairie Chicken Management Areas & radio telemetry study, Caprock Wildlife Management Area. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. NMNHP. |
1998 | State of New Mexico |
State of New Mexico. 1998. "Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of New Mexico", under Section 1, Section 9-10-10 NMSA 1998, Plant Endangered Species Act, as revised, NMFRCD Rule No. 91-1, December, 1991. |
1998 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 10 June 1998. 90-day finding and commencement of status review for a petition to list the westslope cutthroat trout as threatened. Federal Register 63(111):31691-31693. |
1998 | Mahrt |
Mahrt, L. A. 1998. Territorial establishment and maintenance by female tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. Journal of Herpetology 32:176-182. |
1998 | Lang |
Lang, B.K. 1998. Status and Distribution of Terrestrial Snails in Southern New Mexico. Performance Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 6 E-36-3. 139 p. |
1998 | Westemeier et al. |
Westemeier, R.L., J.D. Brawn, S.A. Simpson, T.L. Esker, R.W. Jansen, J.W. Walk, E.L. Kershner, J.L. Bouzat, K.N. Paige. 1998. Tracking the long-term decline and recovery of an isolated population. Science, November 1988. |
1998 | Black, K. |
Black, K. Kilday, L. Kastner, T. Shanks, B. (1998) Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1998 | H. Smith,Johnson, K.,K. Score,L. DeLay,P. Mehlhop |
Johnson, K., K. Score, H. Smith, L. DeLay, and P. Mehlhop. 1998. Post-fire ecological studies in the Organ Mountains. Monitoring sensitive species and vegetation. Volume 2 - Animals. Birds, mammals, and snails. Unpubl. report for US Army Corps of Engineer |
1998 | Narahashi, T |
Narahashi, T. 1998. Sacramento mountain salamanders Aneides hardii 1998 report. Unpubl. report prepared by Ranger Station biological technician. 2 p. |
1998 | Stumpff, W. K. |
Stumpff, W. K.. 1998. Final Report: Federal aid in Fish Restoration Act, statewide fisheries management. NM Department of Game and Fish.. 15 p. |
1998 | Williams, B |
Williams, B. 1998. gila_mso - a GIS coverage of Mexican Spotted Owl cores and territories for the Gila National Forest. |
1998 | Fragua, S. |
Fragua, S. Ross, D. Mercurio, C. Kastner, T. Kilday, L. Salmon, M. (1998) Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 6 p. |
1998 | Munson, K |
Munson, K. 1998. Animal occurrence contributor's form for Haliaeetus leucocephalus from ENSR Consulting and Engineering. . 18 p. |
1998 | Sivinski, R. |
Sivinski, R. Lightfoot, K. Ball, B. (1998) Sensitive Plant Site Report, Population Site Report, Lincoln National Forest, Field Notes. Guadalupe Ranger Distirct, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 4 p. |
1998 | Elzinga et al. |
Elzinga, C.L., D.W. Salzer and J.W. Willoughby. 1998. Measuring and monitoring plant populations. Bureau of Land Management Technical Reference 1730-1. US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Denver, Colorado, USA. |
1998 | Bogan, M.A |
Bogan, M.A. 1998. E-mail from Michael A. Bogan to Kristen Elizabeth Schardein, subject: survey sites for bats in the San Andres. 27 Apr 1998. 1 p. |
1998 | Jagnow, D. |
Jagnow, D. 1998. Bat Count Form (For non-Obtrusive Exit Counts). USFS |
1998 | R.D. Jennings, Ramsey, M. |
Ramsey, M. and R.D. Jennings. 1998. Bat inventory of the Black Range, Mimbres Mountains and Mogollon Mountains, New Mexico. Unpubl. Report, N. M. Dept. of Game and Fish. 25 p. |
1998 | Unknown |
Unknown (1998). Untitled Stream Survey Report. Retreived from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 100 p. |
1998 | Porter and Muller |
Porter, A. H, and J. C. Muller. 1998. Partial genetic isolatation between Phyciodes tharos and P. cocyta ( Nymphalidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 52(2):182-205. |
1998 | Brown |
Brown, N.L. 1998. The Howdy Owls of Arizona. Abstract and notes. Second International Burrowing Owl Symposium, September 29-30, 1998, Ogden, Utah. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. |
1998 | Barclay et al. |
Barclay, J.C. Bean, D. Plumpton, and B. Walton. 1998. Burrowing owl conservation in California: Issues and challenges. Poster abstract and notes. Second International Burrowing Owl Symposium, September 29-30, 1998, Ogden, Utah. Canadian Wildlife Service, |
1998 | Rodriguez Estrella et al. |
Rodriguez Estrella, R., F. Chavez Ramirez, and G.L. Holroyd. 1998. Current knowledge of the burrowing owl in Mexico: what is needed for a conservation plan? Abstract and notes. Second International Burrowing Owl Symposium, September 29-30, 1998, Ogden, Ut |
1998 | Page et al. |
Page, L. K., R. K. Swihart, and K. R. Kazacos. 1998. Raccoon latrine structure and its potential role in transmission of Baylisascaris procyonis to vertebrates. American Midland Naturalist 140:180-185. |
1998 | Gilchrist |
Gilchrist, D. 1998. Has FNAWS put bighorn sheep on the mountain? Pp. 180-181 IN Wild Sheep Journal. Foundation for North American Wild Sheep. 192pp. |
1998 | Miller et al. |
Miller, S.G., R.L. Knight, and C.K. Miller. 1998. Influence of recreational trails on breeding bird communities. Ecological Applications 8:162-169. |
1998 | Watters and O'Dee |
Watters, G.T. and S. O'Dee. 1998. Metamorphosis of freshwater mussel glochidia (Bivalvia: Unionidae) on amphibians and exotic fishes. American Midland Naturalist, 139: 49-57. |
1998 | Bureau of Land Management, et al |
Bureau of Land Management, et al. 1998. The Albuquerque and Taos Field Office endangered, threatened and sensitive plant field guide. BLM/NM/GI-99/004+1150. Bureau of Land Management. 88 p. |
1998 | Ladyman, J. |
Ladyman, J. 1998. Archive CD of Ft. Bliss reports and files of Organ Mountain plants monitoring 97-98. |
1998 | Ladyman, J.A.R |
Ladyman, J.A.R. 1998. CD-ROM with data for Post-fire ecological studies in the Organ Mountains. Monitoring sensitive species and vegetation, volume 1 - plants. |
1998 | Whitaker and Hamilton |
Whitaker, J. O., and W. J. Hamilton. 1998. Mammals of the eastern United States. Comstock Publishing, Ithaca, New York. |
1998 | Muldavin, E.,P. Neville,V. Archer |
Muldavin, E., V. Archer, and P. Neville. 1998. A vegetation map of the Borderlands Ecosystem Management Area: Final Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 98-GTR-149. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 58 p. + a |
1998 | Western Bat Working Group |
Western Bat Working Group. 1998. Western bat species: regional priority matrix, produced by Western Bat Working Group. 4 p. |
1998 | USFWS |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 18 March 1998. Endangered status for the Peninsular Ranges population segment of the desert bighorn sheep in southern California. Federal Register 63(52):13134-13150. |
1998 | Martin |
Martin, T.E. 1998. Are microhabitat preferences of coexisting species under selection and adaptive? Ecology 79:656-670. |
1998 | Meyer |
Meyer, K. D. 1998. Communal roosts of the American swallow-tailed kite in Florida: habitat associations, critical sites, and a technique for monitoring population status. Final Report, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee. |
1998 | Bleakly, D |
Bleakly, D. 1998. New Locations of rare plants, found by David Bleakly for NM Natural Heritage Program (14 January 1998). . 3 p. |