Muldavin, E.H., E.R. Milford, and Y Chauvin. 2009 (updated 2023). Natural Heritage New Mexico Vegetation Survey Protocols. Natural Heritage New Mexico Report No. 426, University of New Mexico. 15.p
Muldavin, E.H., E.R. Milford, and Y Chauvin. 2009 (updated 2023). Natural Heritage New Mexico Vegetation Survey Protocols. Natural Heritage New Mexico Report No. 426, University of New Mexico. 15.p
Muldavin, E. 1994. A vegetation map legend for application to the New Mexico Gap Analysis project. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program for the National Biological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, New Mexico
Milford, E., E. Muldavin and Y. Chauvin, 2011. The Pueblo of Santa Ana Rio Jemez Vegetation Monitoring: Report 2010. 11-GTR-363. Natural Heritage New Mexico, , University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 154 p.
Tonne, P. 2009. Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program - Vegetation 2009. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 09-GTR-349. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 21 p.
Chauvin, Y, P. Arbetan, and E. Muldavin. 2003. A floristic survey for the New Mexico Army National Guard Las Vegas Training Area. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.. 19 p.
Arbetan, P., Y. Chauvin, and E. Muldavin. 2002. Report of vegetation monitoring after tamarisk removal at the New Mexico Army National Guard Roswell Weekend Training Site. 16 p.
Arbetan, P., E. Muldavin, P. Neville, and Y. Chauvin. 2002. The vegetation of the New Mexico Army National Guard Camel Tracks Training Site. . 48 p.
U.S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey. 2008. The National Map Landfire: Landfire National Existing Vegetation Type layer. 8 CDs for New Mexico and Arizona zones.
Milford, E., Y. Chauvin, E. Muldavin, and M. Freehling. 2001. In-house copy of the Spring Vegetation and Aquatic Invertebrate Survey 2000 for BLM Albuquerque and Roswell Field Offices. . 86 p.
Muldavin, E., P. Mehlhop, and E. DeBruin. 1994. A survey of sensitive species and vegetation communities in the Organ Mountains of Fort Bliss. Vol. III: vegetation communities. Unpubl. report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program prepared for Directorat