Kauffman, J.B. and W.C. Krueger. 1984. Livestock impacts on riparian ecosystems and streamside management implications...a review. J. Range Manage. 37:430-438.
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Kauffman, J.B. and W.C. Krueger. 1984. Livestock impacts on riparian ecosystems and streamside management implications...a review. J. Range Manage. 37:430-438.
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Muldavin, E., R. Wallace, and M. Bradley. 1997. Riparian/wetlands vegetation assessment for the reservoir removal and floodplain restoration project on Glorieta Creek, Pecos National Historic Park. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 97-GTR-116. Natura
Durkin, P., M. Bradley, E. Muldavin, and P. Mehlhop. 1996. Riparian/wetland vegetation communities of New Mexico: Gila, San Francisco, and Mimbres Watersheds. Unpubl report by New Mexico Natural Heritage Program submitted to the Surface Water Quality Bure
Muldavin, E. 1991. Riparian and wetlands survey, Pecos National Historical Park. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 91-GTR-26. Natural Heritage New Mexico, Universit of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 31 p.
Muldavin, E., E. Milford, N. Umbreit, and Y. Chauvin. 2015. Long-term outcomes of a natural-processes approach to riparian restoration in a large regulated river: the Rio Grande Albuquerque Overbank Project after 16 years. Final Report to the Bureau of Re
Milford, E., E. Muldavin, Y. Chauvin, and H. Hulse. 2011. Santa Fe River riparian vegetation monitoring; Report 2010. Natural Heritage New Mexico Pulb. No.11-GTR-352. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 45 p +CD.
Milford, E., E. Muldavin, and T. Neville. 2008. Middle Rio Grande river bar vegetation map III Belen to San Acacia. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 08-GTR-334. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 32 p. + appendices
Tonne, P. 2007. Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program - Vegetation Monitoring 2007. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 07-GTR-351. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 10 p.