Buol, S.W., Hole, F.D., McCracken, R.J., and Southard, R.J.. 1997. Soil Genesis and Classification. Fourth Edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa 50014.. xv+527 p.
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Buol, S.W., Hole, F.D., McCracken, R.J., and Southard, R.J.. 1997. Soil Genesis and Classification. Fourth Edition. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa 50014.. xv+527 p.
Cowardin, L., V. Carter, F. Golet, and E. LaRoe. 1979 Reprinted 1992. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS-79/31. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. FWS/OBS-79/31.. vi+1
Jester, D.B and R.R. Suminski. 1982. Age and growth fecundity abundance and biomass production of the White Sands pupfish, Cyprinodon tularosa (Cyprinodontidae) in a desert pond. Southwest Nat.. 27(1):43-54.
Sullivan, R. M. and W. K. Wilson. 1999. Final Report. Endangered species management plan for the Colorado chipmunk (Tamias quadrivittatus) in the Organ and Oscura mountains, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico (Contract No. DAAD07-95-C-0125/0459-95-3-00
Pittenger, J.S. and C.L. Springer. 1997. Native range and conservation of the White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) - draft submitted to Southwest. Nat. Includes two attached letters.
Fischer, R.A. and C.O. Martin. 1997. Memo to Daisan Taylor on results of summer 1997 bird and mammal surveys, WSMR.
Bogan, M.A. 1997. Bats of the San Andres Mountains.
Sullivan, R.M, D.L. Houde-Nethers, and W.K. Wilson. 1996. Threatened and endangered species survey for the proposed test support network upgrade (western branch), White Sands Missile Range. Unpubl. Report for U.S. Army. 168 p.
San Andres NWR. 1996. Memo to Regional Nongame Coordinator, region 2, subject: banding project. 2 May 96.
Holdermann, D.A. 1996. Memo: the Western Snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) breeding at Malpais Cienega, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. WSMR Environmental Services Division. 8 July 1996. . 2 p.