Lincoln National Forest. 1994. Northern Goshawk Field Forms & Maps.
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Philadelphus wootonii
Lincoln National Forest. 1994. Northern Goshawk Field Forms & Maps.
Gila National Forest. 1994. Field forms and maps for Northern Goshawk nest & territory monitoring.
1993 Northern Goshawk Annual Report. Smokey Bear Ranger Districts. Lincoln National Forest. Prepared by Larry Paul, Barbara Rasch, Reviewed by Danney Salas.
1993 Northern Goshawk Annual Report. Cloudcroft and Mayhill Ranger Districts. Lincoln National Forest. Prepared by Larry Paul, Barbara Rasch, Reviewed by Danney Salas.
Lincoln National Forest. 1993. Northern Goshawk Field Forms & Maps.
Hoffman, S. 1992. Northern Goshawk inventories in the Gila and Apache National Forests, Corner-Hoague, Mail, and Freeman Inventory Areas. Nesting surveys (July 9-17). prepared by Stephen W. Hoffman Consulting for U.S.F.S.
Gila National Forest. 1992. Description of Northern Goshawk territory activity over a twenty-year period.
Santa Fe National Forest. 1991. Field forms and maps for Northern Goshawk nest and territory monitoring for 1991.
Sacramento Ranger District. 1999. Goshawk nest site data form and map. 2 p.
Mt. Taylor Ranger District. 1998. Northern Goshawk monitoring forms.