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Species Information

Kingdom: Animalia
  Phylum: Craniata
    Class: Amphibia
      Order: Anura
        Family: Ranidae
          Genus: Lithobates
            Species: berlandieri

Rio Grande Leopard Frog - Lithobates berlandieri


Species Extent (New Mexico)

General Description

Rio Grande Leopard Frog (Lithobates berlandieri) is a somewhat large (11 cm) frog that ranges from Nicaragua through eastern Mexico and southwestern Texas with a small portion of their distribution in southernmost New Mexico. They use temporary and permanent waterbodies in grassland, shrub, desert, and woodland areas, though they are primarily found in streams.


Global Rank: G5

State Rank: S3

State Status:

Federal Status:

USFS Status:

BLM Status:


NMRP Strategy Status:

Observations in Natural Heritage New Mexico Database

Number of Subpopulations: 24

Number of Mapped Locations: 38

Number of Observations: 79

Observation date range: 04-01-1931 to 05-17-2019

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