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Species Information

Kingdom: Animalia
  Phylum: Craniata
    Class: Mammalia
      Order: Carnivora
        Family: Canidae
          Genus: Canis
            Species: lupus baileyi

Mexican Wolf - Canis lupus baileyi


Species Extent (New Mexico)

General Description

Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) is the largest member of the dog family in New Mexico (up to 1.6 m). Historically they were widely distributed through Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, south into central Mexico. They have been extirpated from most of their historic range and in recent years have been reintroduced to New Mexico and Arizona. They can inhabit any habitat type where their presence doesn?t conflict with human land uses and where prey, including large ungulates, is abundant.


Global Rank: G5T1

State Rank: S1

State Status: E

Federal Status: Listed Endangered, Non-essential Experimental Population [LE,XN]

USFS Status:

BLM Status:


NMRP Strategy Status:

Observations in Natural Heritage New Mexico Database

Number of Subpopulations: 76

Number of Mapped Locations: 84

Number of Observations: 94

Observation date range: 01-01-1901 to 08-29-2020

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