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Species Information

Kingdom: Animalia
  Phylum: Craniata
    Class: Mammalia
      Order: Chiroptera
        Family: Vespertilionidae
          Genus: Myotis
            Species: velifer

Cave Myotis - Myotis velifer


Species Extent (New Mexico)

General Description

A large <i>Myotis </i>(head and body 44-55 mm) with dorsum dull sepia to drab (not glossy) and with banded hairs, large feet, medium-sized ears (11-18 mm, mean 15.6-15.7 mm, in Arizona) that extend less than 2 mm beyond the nose when laid forward, a long forearm (36-47 mm, mean about 42 mm in Arizona), long body, unkeeled calcar, and a conspicuous bare (or sparsely furred) patch on the back between the shoulders; the wing is attached to the foot at the base of the toe; the skull is long (greatest length 14-18 mm, mean 16.4 mm in Arizona), with a long maxillary toothrow (6-7 mm), and prominent sagittal crest; in Arizona, male mass up to 12 g, female up to 13.4 g, as low as 7.5 g upon emergence from hibernation (Hall 1981; Hoffmeister 1986, from which parenthetical data for Arizona specimens were taken).


Global Rank: G4G5

State Rank: S3S4

State Status:

Federal Status:

USFS Status:

BLM Status:

SWAP Status:

NMRP Strategy Status:

Observations in Natural Heritage New Mexico Database

Number of Subpopulations: 71

Number of Mapped Locations: 89

Number of Observations: 191

Observation date range: 04-13-1924 to 01-27-2023

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