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Species Information

Kingdom: Animalia
  Phylum: Craniata
    Class: Amphibia
      Order: Anura
        Family: Bufonidae
          Genus: Incilius
            Species: alvarius

Colorado River Toad - Incilius alvarius


Species Extent (New Mexico)

General Description

Sonoran Desert Toad (Incilius alvarius) is the largest (18 cm) native toad in the U.S. and occurs in Arizona, New Mexico, and possibly California. They are found in a variety of arid habitats, but in New Mexico are restricted to desert shrublands and grasslands in the southwestern portion of the state. Unlike many arid land amphibians, the Sonoran Desert Toad is not dependent on rainfall for breeding, though precipitation does increase activity levels.


Global Rank: G5

State Rank: S2

State Status: T

Federal Status:

USFS Status:

BLM Status:


NMRP Strategy Status:

Observations in Natural Heritage New Mexico Database

Number of Subpopulations: 9

Number of Mapped Locations: 15

Number of Observations: 16

Observation date range: 07-06-1961 to 09-08-2017

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