Runyan, N. 1995. Field notes including surveys conducted at Holloman AFB.
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Cyprinodon tularosa
Runyan, N. 1995. Field notes including surveys conducted at Holloman AFB.
Runyan, N. 1995. USGS 7.5' Malone Draw quadrangle map, labelled with results of 1994-1995 surveys on HAFB.
Runyan, N. 1995. USGS 7.5' Lost River quadrangle map, labelled with results of 1994-1995 surveys on HAFB.
White Sands Missile Range. 2002. U.S. Department of the Army. CSTE-DTC-WS-ES-ES. White Sands Missile Range Integrated natural resources management plan (INRMP). FINAL.
Johnson, K., P. Tonne, J. Smith, T. Neville. 2007. DoD Legacy Species at Risk (SAR) New Mexico GIS and species accounts project. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 07-GTRcd-321. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Sublette, J.E., M.D. Hatch, and M. Sublette. 1990. The fishes of New Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Press. Albuquerque. Univ. New Mexico Press.. 393 p.
Snyder, A. 2010. List of Fish Specimens for species on NHNM Tracking List. Division of Fishes, Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico
Runyan, N. 1994. Field notes of surveys conducted at Holloman AFB.
Pittenger, J. 2000. Database of point locations determined for museum records of fish used in The Fishes of New Mexico (1990). Original database without point locations developed by M. Hatch for NMDGF. Unpubl. database prep. for NM State Land Office.
Gardner, D. 1987. White Sands pupfish seldom visited. New Mexico Wildlife Magazine. Nov-Dec 1987.