S91SPELCNMUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
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S91SPELCNMUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
Gold, I. 1990. Threatened and endangered plant observation. observation form for Gilia formosa 10 Oct. 1990. 1 page & map.
Knight, P., and A. Cully. 1986. A study of Gilia formosa, Erigeron rhizomatus and Pediocactus papyracanthus in the BLM Farmington Resource Area, unpublished report by NM Dept. Natural Resources, Santa Fe, NM. 40 pp.
New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. 1991. Field map for 1991 Gilia formosa survey on USGS 7 1/2' topo map, east fork Kutz Canyon Quad.
DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area- Aztec ACEC - stop #8 on 22 April 1992.
DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #19 on 26 April 1992.
DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Reosurce Area - Hampton Arroyo ACEC plot #18 on 23 April 1992.
DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area - Hampton Arroyo ACEC plot #17 on 23 April 1992.
DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #14 on 24 April 1992.
DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area - Tucker Canyon plot #10 on 27 April 1992.