Knowles, C. 2001. Draft report: Status of the white-tailed and Gunnison's prairie dog. . 40 p.
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Cynomys gunnisoni
Knowles, C. 2001. Draft report: Status of the white-tailed and Gunnison's prairie dog. . 40 p.
Long, D. 2013. Vermejo Ranch prairie dog colony polygons. Shapefiles delivered to K. Johnson.
Watson, M.L. 2007. Field observations of Gunnison's prairie dog colonies between Tierra Amarilla and Chama, New Mexico. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 1 p.
Pierce, L. 2007. Observation of Gunnison's prairie dog town.
Pierce, L. 2007. Incidental observations of Gunnison's prairie dogs along Highway 64.
Knight, P. 2004. Gunnison's prairie dog notes. Marron & Associates. 3 p.
Davidson, A. D., R. R. Parmenter, and J. R. Gosz. 1999. Responses of small mammals and vegetation to a reintroduction of Gunnison's prairie dogs. Journal of Mammalogy 80:1311-1324.
Cartron, J., P. Polechla, and R. Cook. 2004. Prey of nesting ferruginous hawks in New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist. Vol. 49, No. 2:270-276. R:\ZOOLOGY\Birds\JO4CAR01NMUS
Sackett, L. 2020. NMDGF Permit Data.
Klingel, J. 2017. Occurrence of Gunnison's prairie dog at Vega Redonda. Email to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and Natural Heritage New Mexico.