NHNM Zoology. 2014. Various prairie dog observations. Natural Heritage New Mexico.
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Cynomys gunnisoni
NHNM Zoology. 2014. Various prairie dog observations. Natural Heritage New Mexico.
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2013. Biological survey report: Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. Escrito E13-2407 No. 01H natural gas and oil well. 27 p.
Marron and Associates. 2013. Biological evaluation of proposed Ojo Encino Humate Mine. Prepared for Broken Pick Proprietary, LLC.
Watson, M. 2007. Observation of Gunnison's prairie dog colony by New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 1 p.
Pierce, L. 2007. Field observation of Gunnison's prairie dog in Taos County. 1 p.
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2010. Biological survey report for the proposed substation ambient air monitoring site expansion. Prepared for New Mexico Environment Department, Air Quality Bureau.
Hawks Aloft, Inc. 2006. Mountain Plover, Burrowing Owl, and prairie dog observations at El Malpais National Conservation Area, New Mexico.
Hygnstrom, S.E. and D.R. Virchow. 2002. Prairie dogs and the prairie ecosystem. University of Nebraska, School of Natural Resources.. 8 p.
Hutchins, R. 2004. Field notes for Gunnison's prairie dog and black-tailed prairie dog for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
Arbetan, P., K. Johnson, and E. Muldavin. 2002. Report of faunal surveys for the Gray Vireo, and Black-tailed and Gunnison's Prairie Dogs at the New Mexico Army National Guard Camel Tracks Training Site. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publ. No. 02-GTR-231. N