Jennings, R.D. and B.L. Christman. 2010. Pre-monsoonal and post monsoonal habitat use of the narrow-headed gartersnake, Thamnophis rufipunctatus, along Gila River.
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narrow-headed garter snake
Jennings, R.D. and B.L. Christman. 2010. Pre-monsoonal and post monsoonal habitat use of the narrow-headed gartersnake, Thamnophis rufipunctatus, along Gila River.
Painter, C. and L. Pierce. 2001. New Mexico amphibian and reptile GIS coverages. 123 p.
Unknown author. 2009. Status assessment table for Thamnophis rufipunctatus in New Mexico.
Pittenger, J. 2015. Annual report of threatened and endangered species monitoring. Blue Earth Ecological Consultants, Inc. TE-012642.
Rossman, D. A., N. B. Ford, and R. A. Seigel. 1996. The Garter Snakes: Evolution and Ecology. University of Oklahoma Press.. xx+332 p.
McMillan, Matthew.2018. SWCA permit report data.
Wood, D. 2015. Locations of sampled Narrow-headed gartersnakes, TE-64619B. U.S. Geological Survey.