Duran, J. 2016. Surveys for Mexican Spotted Owl and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. Carson National Forest, Camino Real Ranger District.
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Mexican Spotted Owl
Duran, J. 2016. Surveys for Mexican Spotted Owl and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. Carson National Forest, Camino Real Ranger District.
U.S. Forest Service. 2014. Southwest region Mexican Spotted Owl surveys.
Albert, S. 2014. Surveys at Taos Canyon to detect Mexico Spotted Owls. Parametrix report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE-819477-0.
U.S. Forest Service. 2012. Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida): inventory and monitoring results. Lincoln National Forest, Smokey Bear Ranger District; Annual report to USFWS TE-841297. 23 p.
Rose, N. 2010. 2010 Mexican Spotted Owl Territory Monitoring Magdalena Ranger District Cibola National Forest. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Section 10, TE-842565. 52 p.
Seamans, M.E., R.J. Gutierrez, C.A. May, and M.Z. Peery. 1999. Demography of two Mexican Spotted Owl populations. Conservation Biology. 13(4):744-754.
Cibola National Forest. 2011. Mexican Spotted Owl call surveys. U.S. Forest Service.
Stropki, C. 2018. SWCA survey data for multiple vertebrate species.
McMillan, Matthew.2018. SWCA permit report data.
Cienega Environmental. 2017. Annual permit data for Mexican Spotted Owl and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. FWS permit #TE48752B.