S93HEVSBNNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
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S93HEVSBNNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
S93HEVBYNNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
S93HEVAZNNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
Nesom, G.L. and B. Hevron. 1995. Erigeron bistiensis (Asteraceae:Astereae): a new species from northwestern New Mexico. Madrono, Vol. 42(1):12-18.
Lea, A. 1996. NMHP cooperators plant occurrence specimen data collection forms generated from specimen information in University of New Mexico Herbarium.
S93HEVTANNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
S93HEVNANNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
S93HEVASNNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
S94HEISBNMUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.
S93HEVSUNNUS, Legacy reference. Physical copy not yet located.