Milligan, S. 2019. NMDGF Permit Data.
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Strix occidentalis lucida
Milligan, S. 2019. NMDGF Permit Data.
McMillan, Matthew.2018. SWCA permit report data.
Cienega Environmental. 2017. Annual permit data for Mexican Spotted Owl and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. FWS permit #TE48752B.
Valdez, S. 2016. Recovery permit report for the Santa Fe National Forest. U.S. Forest Service.
Gatlin, J. 2015. Mexican Spotted Owl survey results. Carson National Forest, U.S. Forest Service.
Lanier, W. 2015. Mexican Spotted Owl surveys on USFS land. Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, TE-31668B-0.
Cook, C. 2014. Annual reports of Mexican Spotted Owl work under research and recover permit TE-67491A. Permits West, Inc.
New Mexico Natural Heritage Program. No Date. Database of Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms and associated daytime follow-up visit forms.
Duncan, R. 1999. Spreadsheet containing museum records for Strix occidentalis lucida in NM. 4 p.
Cibola National Forest. 1999. cibmso - a GIS coverage with Mexican Spotted Owl PACs for the Cibola NF, NM.