Lincoln National Forest. 1998. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms.
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Strix occidentalis lucida
Lincoln National Forest. 1998. Mexican Spotted Owl inventory forms.
Cibola National Forest. 1998. 1998 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Forms.
Laakso, C. (2004) Inventory and Monitoring, Mexican Spotted Owl, Sacramento Ranger District. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 23 p.
A,Radcliff,2003. Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form in Carson National Forest Questa District.
Kohrman, E. (2015) Unpublished letter to Shaula Hedwall, Senior Fish and Wildlife Biology at U.lS. Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding Mexican Spotted Owl procted activity centers. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 10 p.
Keller, D. 2014. Annual Mexican Spotted Owl Research and Recovery Permit Report, TE-800892. Los Alamos National Laboratory. 4 p.
Mader, T. 2003. Mexican spotted owl inventory survey on the Hermosa and Animas grazing allotments of the Gila National Forest. Turner Endangered Species Fund, Caballo, NM. 23 p.
Marshall, B.L. 2013. Final biological report: 2013 surveys for the Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) in the Jemez Mountains, Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico. Submitted to: USDA Forest Service, Santa Fe National Forest, Jemez District, C
Kauffman, D.R. (2002) 2002 Mexican Spotted Owl Survey of Guadalupe Ridge. Retrieved from Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln Natioanl Forest, USFS. 3 p.
Parsons, Z. (2012) 2001 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Sandia Ranger District, Cibola National Forest, USFS. 41 p