Williams, S.O. 1994. Letter to Bennett Brown summarizing bird survey work in the Animas Mountains. May 13-15, and 28 1994.
Request Publication
Williams, S.O. 1994. Letter to Bennett Brown summarizing bird survey work in the Animas Mountains. May 13-15, and 28 1994.
Black, C. and J. Black. 1991. Gray Ranch breeding bird surveys June, August, November 1991. Unpubl. field notes for survey done for NMNHP.
Dobrott, S. 1979. Unpublished letter or phone conversation notes to New Mexico Ornithological Society.
National Audubon Society. American Birds. 1947-present. Was Audubon field notes from 1947-1970.
Dobrott, S. 1978. Unpublished letter of phone conversation notes of New Mexico Ornithological Society.
Black, C. and J. Black. 1991. Field survey to Gray Ranch - Indian Creek Canyon on 24 June 1991.
Various. 1962-present. Bird occurences recorded by the New Mexico Ornithological Society. New Mexico Ornithological Society. Field notes. .
Dobrott, S. 1979. Coppery-tailed trogon. New Mexico Ornithological Society field notes. Hubbard, J.P. (ed.) Vol 18, no. 2, June 1 - Nov. 30, 1979. P.33.
Dobrott, S. 1978. Coppery-tailed trogon. New Mexico Ornithological Society field notes. Hubbard, J.P. and S. West (eds.). Vol 17, no. 1, Dec. 1, 1977 - May 30, 1978. P.7