Displaying 16081 - 16140 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1941 | Blair, W.F. 1941. Annotated list of mammals of the Tularosa Basin, New Mexico. The American Midland Naturalist. |
A41BLA01NMUS | |
1941 | Dalke and Sime |
Dalke, P.D., and P.R. Sime. 1941. Food habits of the eastern and New England cottontails. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 5:216-228. |
1941 | Williams and Sooter |
Williams, C. S., and C. A. Sooter. 1941. Canada Goose habitats in Utah and Oregon. Transactions of the North American Wildlife Conference 5:383-387. |
1941 | Gregg |
Gregg, W.O. 1941. Mollusca of Cedar Breaks National Monument, Utah. Nautilus 54:116-117. |
1941 | Kendeigh |
Kendeigh, S.C. 1941. Birds of a prairie community. Condor 43:165-174. |
1941 | Hoyt |
Hoyt, J. S. Y. 1941. Through the year with the pileated woodpecker. Audubon Mag. 43:525-8. |
1941 | Long |
Long, W. S. 1941. The utilization of russian thistle by wildlife. Journal of Wildlife Management 5:136-138. |
1940 | Eskey and Haas |
Eskey, C. R. and V. H. Haas. 1940. Plague in the western part of the United States. Public Health Bulletin 254:1-83. |
1940 | Frey |
Frey, D. G. 1940. Growth and ecology of the carp, CYPRINUS CARPIO (Linnaeus), in four lakes of the Madison region, Wis-consin. PhD. Thesis. 248 pp. |
1940 | Bent |
Bent, A.C. 1940. Life histories of North American cuckoos, goatsuckers, hummingbirds, and their allies. Part I. U.S. National Museum Bulletin 176. 244 pp. |
1940 | Hershey, A. L. |
Hershey, A. L. 1940. Notes on Plants in New Mexico Volume 2. No 15. New Mexico State College. 1 p. |
1940 | Gregg |
Gregg, W.O. 1940. Mollusca of Zion National Park, Utah. Nautilus 54:30-32. |
1940 | Gabrielson and Jewett |
Gabrielson, I. N., and S. G. Jewett. 1940. Birds of Oregon. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State College. |
1940 | Gurney |
Gurney, A.B. 1940. Notes on certain genera of North American grasshoppers of the subfamily Oedipodinae, with the description of a new genus and species (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington 42: 1-12. |
1940 | Todd |
Todd, W. E. C. 1940. Birds of western Pennsylvania. Carnegie Museum, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 710 pp. |
1940 | Jones |
Jones, D.T. 1940. A study of the Great basin land snail OREOHELIX STRIGOSA DEPRESSA (Cockerell). Bulletin of the University of Utah [Biological Series 6(1)] 31(4):1-43. |
1940 | Allen and Mangles |
Allen, R. P. and F.P. Mangles. 1940. Studies of the nesting behavior of the black-crowned night heron. Proc. Linnaean Soc. New York 50-51:1-28. |
1940 | Lakela |
Lakela, O. 1940. The status of piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) on Minnesota Point. Flicker 12:34. |
1940 | Brooks |
Brooks, M. 1940. The breeding warblers of the central Allegheny Mountain region. Wilson Bulletin 52(4):249-66. |
1940 | Raney and Webster |
Raney, E.C. and D.S. Webster. 1940. The food and growth of the young of the common bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus nebulosus (LeSueur), in Cayuga Lake, New York. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 69(1939):205-209. |
1940 | Baumgartner |
Baumgartner, L.L. 1940. The fox squirrel: Its life history, habits, and management in Ohio. Ohio State Univ., unpubl. Ph. D. dissertation, 257 pp. |
1940 | Cowan |
Cowan, I. M. 1940. Distribution and variation in the native sheep of North America. American Midland Naturalist 24:505-580. |
1940 | Gloyd |
Gloyd, H. 1940. The rattlesnakes. Chicago Academy Science, Special Publication No. 4. |
1940 | Smith |
Smith, C.C. 1940. The effect of overgrazing and erosion upon the biota of the mixed-grass prairie of Oklahoma. Ecology 21:381-397. |
1940 | Griffin |
Griffin, D. R. 1940b. Migrations of New England bats. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 86:217-246. |
1940 | Sperry |
Sperry, C. C. 1940. Food habits of a group of shorebirds: woodcock, snipe, knot and dowitcher. U.S. Biological Survey Wildlife Research Bulletin 1. |
1940 | Gurney, A.B. 1940. Notes on certain genera of North American grasshoppers of the subfamily Oedipodinae, with the description of a new genus and species (Orthoptera:Acrididae). January 1940. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 42:1-13. |
A40GUR01NMUS | |
1940 | Trautman |
Trautman, M. B. 1940. The birds of Buckeye Lake. Misc. Publ. Zool. No. 44, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 466 pp. |
1940 | Hershey, A.L. & P.J. Leyendecker. 1940. Leafl. West. Botany 4:22. |
A40HER01NMUS | |
1940 | Pilsbry, H.A. 1940. Land mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. Monograph no 3. Vol. 1 pt. 2. pp. 575-994. |
A40PIL01NMUS | |
1940 | Van Dersal, W.R |
Van Dersal, W.R. 1940. Utilization of oaks by birds and mammals. Journal of Wildlife Management. 4:404-428. |
1940 | Pennell |
Pennell, F. W. 1940. New species of Scrophulariaceae from Arizona. Notulae Naturae 43: 1-40. |
1940 | Speirs |
Speirs, J. M. 1940. Mortality of barn owls at Champaign, Illinois. Auk 57:571. |
1940 | Draudt |
Draudt, M. 1940. Notodontidae. Pages 901-1070 in A. Seitz. The Macrolepidoptera of the World. Volume 6, Part 2. Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart, Germany. |
1940 | Vesall |
Vesall, D. B. 1940. Notes on nesting habits of the American bittern. Wilson Bulletin. 52:207-8. |
1940 | Taber, F.W. 1940. Range of the coati in the United States. J.. Mamm. 21:11-14. |
A40TAB01NMUS | |
1940 | Benson, S.B. 1940. A new cotton rat (Sigmodon) from Arizona and New Mexico. Proc. Bio. Soc. Wash. 53:157-158. |
A40BEN01NMUS | |
1940 | Tucker |
Tucker, R. W. E. 1940. An account of Dicatraea saccharalis with special refernce to its occurrence in Barbados. Trop. Agric., Trinidad 17:133-138. |
1940 | Carr |
Carr, A. F., Jr. 1940. A contribution to the herpetology of Florida. Univ. Florida Biol. Sci. Ser. 3:1.118. |
1940 | Davison |
Davison, V. E. 1940. An 8-year census of lesser prairie chickens. Journal of Wildlife Management 4:55-62. |
1939 | Niedrach and Rockwell |
Niedrach, R. J., and R. B. Rockwell. 1939. The birds of Denver and mountain parks. Denver Museum of Natural History Popular Series No. 5. 203 pp. |
1939 | Allen |
Allen, A.A. 1939. Golden plover and other birds. 240 pp. |
1939 | Pilsbry, H.A. 1939. Land mollusca of North America. The Academy of Nat. Sci. of Philadelphia Monographs. 3(I) 1:322. |
B39PIL01NMUS | |
1939 | Wallace |
Wallace, G.J. 1939. Bicknell's thrush, taxonomy, distribution, and life history. Boston. 190 pp. |
1939 | Forbush and May |
Forbush, E. H. and J. B. May. 1939. Natural History of Birds of Eastern and Central North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. |
1939 | Hubbell and Goff |
Hubbell, T.H. and C.C. Goff. 1939. Florida pocket gopher burrows and their arthropod inhabitants. Proceed. of the FL Academy of Science 4:127-166. |
1939 | Forbush |
Forbush, E. H. 1939. Natural history of the birds of eastern and central North America. J. B. May (reviser). Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts. 554 pp. |
1939 | Tinbergen |
Tinbergen, N. 1939. The behavior of the snow bunting in spring. Trans. Linn. Soc. 5. 94 pp. |
1939 | Bent |
Bent, A. C. 1939a. CEOPHLOEUS PILEATUS PILEATUS (Linneaus). Southern pileated woodpecker. Pages 164-71 in A. C. Bent (editor). Life Histories of North American Woodpeckers. U.S. National Mueseum Bulletin, No. 174. |
1939 | Pilsbry |
Pilsbry, H. A. 1939a-1948. Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico.) George W. Carpenter Fund for the Encouragement of Original Scientific Research, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2107 pp. |
1939 | Bent |
Bent, A. C. 1939b. CEOPHLOEUS PILEATUS FLORIDANUS (Ridgway). Florida pileated woodpecker. Pages 189-91 in A. C. Bent (editor). Life Histories of North American Woodpeckers. U.S. National Museum Bulletin, No. 174. |
1939 | Bent |
Bent, A. C. 1939c. CEOPHLOEUS PILEATUS PICINUS (Bangs). Western pileated woodpecker. Pages 191-4 in A. C. Bent, Life Histories of North American Woodpeckers. U.S. National Museum Bulletin, No. 174. |
1939 | Pope |
Pope, C.H. 1939. Turtles of the United States and Canada. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 343 pp. |
1939 | Buss and Hawkins |
Buss, I. O., and A. S. Hawkins. 1939. The upland plover at Faville Grove, Wisconsin. The Wilson Bulletin 51:202-20. |
1939 | Hamerstrom |
Hamerstrom, F. N. 1939. A study of Wisconsin's Prairie Chickens and Sharp-tailed Grouse. Wilson Bulletin 51:105-120. |
1939 | PILSBRY |
Pilsbry, H.A. 1939. [Excerpts titled: Oreohelix pilsbryi and Oreohelix metcalfei florida] Land mollusca of North America (north of Mexico). Monograph. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia 3(I)1:513-514. |
1939 | Wilcox |
Wilcox, L. 1939. Notes on the life history of the piping plover. Pages 3-13 in The Birds of Long Island. Bird Club of Long Island, New York, New York. |
1939 | Cottam and Knappen |
Cottam, C. and P. Knappen. 1939. Food of some uncommon North American birds. Auk 56:138-169. |
1939 | Pilsbry |
Pilsbry, H.A. 1939b. Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico). Volume 1, Part 1. Monograph of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1(1): 1-573. |
1939 | Walkinshaw |
Walkinshaw, L. H. 1939. Notes on the nesting of the Clay-colored Sparrow. Wilson Bulletin 51:17-21. |