Displaying 7141 - 7200 of 18262
Year | Author | Full Citation | Reference Code |
1992 | Sheldon et al. |
Sheldon, F. H., et al. 1992. DNA-DNA hybridization evidence of phylogenetic relationships among major lineages of PARUS. Auk 109:173-185. |
1992 | Wooding and Hardisky |
Wooding, J. B., and T. S. Hardisky. 1992. Denning by black bears in northcentral Florida. J. Mammalogy 73:895-898. |
1992 | Cibola National Forest |
Cibola National Forest. 1992. Mexican Spotted Owl annual report. 12 p. |
1992 | Locke |
Locke, B. A. 1992. Lek Hypothesis and the Location, Dispersion, and Size of Lesser Prairie Chicken Leks. Ph.D. Dissertation, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. |
1992 | Poague, L. |
Poague, L. (1992) Unpublished Letter to Director Wildlife and Fisheries, R-3. Subject: Annual Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory and Monitoring Report. Guadalupe Ranger District, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 21 p. |
1992 | Osborn et al. |
Osborn, C. T., F. Llacuna, and M. Lisenbigler. 1992. The Conservation Reserve Program: enrollment statistics for sign-up periods 1-11 and fiscal years 1990-92. United States Department of Agriculture Statistical Bulletin 843, Economic Resources Service, W |
1992 | Bart and Page |
Bart, H. L., Jr., and L. M. Page. 1992. The influence of size and phylogeny on life history variation in North American percids. Pages 553-572 in R.L. Mayden, editor. Systematics, historical ecology, and North American freshwater fishes. Stanford Universi |
1992 | Cornely et al. |
Cornely, J. E., L. N. Carraway, and B. J. Verts. 1992. Sorex preblei. Am. Soc. Mamm., Mammalian Species No. 416:1-3. |
1992 | Gibbs and Melvin |
Gibbs, J. P., and S. M. Melvin. 1992. Sedge wren, Cistothorus platensis. Pages 191-209 in K. J. Schneider and D. M. Pence, editors. Migratory nongame birds of management concern in the Northeast. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, Massachusett |
1992 | Miller et al. |
Miller, S. G., S. P. Bratton, and J. Hadidian. 1992. Impacts of white-tailed deer on endangered and threatened vascular plants. Natural Areas Journal 12:67-74. |
1992 | Tate |
Tate, G. R. 1992. Short-eared owl, Asio flammeus. Pages 171-189 in K. J. Schneider and D. M. Pence, editors. Migratory nongame birds of management concern in the Northeast. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, Massachusetts. 400 pp. |
1992 | Ahlstrand, G.M |
Ahlstrand, G.M. 1992. Response of chihuahuan desert mountain shrub vegetation to burning. Journal of Range Management. 35(1):62-65. |
1992 | Confer |
Confer, J. L. 1992. Golden-winged warbler. Pages 369-383 in K. J. Schneider and D. M. Pence, editors. Migratory nongame birds of management concern in the Northeast. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Newton Corner, Massachusetts. 400 pp. |
1992 | Grobman |
Grobman, A. B. 1992a. Metamerism in the snake Opheodrys vernalis, with a description of a new subspecies. J. Herpetol. 26:175-186. |
1992 | Kucera |
Kucera, T. E. 1992. Influences of sex and weather on migration of mule deer in California. Great Basin Nat. 52:122-130. |
1992 | Morrison |
Morrison, J. L. 1992. Persistence of the meadow jumping mouse, ZAPUS HUDSONIUS LUTEUS, in New Mexico. Southwest. Nat. 37:308-311. |
1992 | Simon and Kaskey |
Simon, T. P., and J. B. Kaskey. 1992. Description of eggs, larvae, and early juveniles of the bigscale logperch, Percina macrolepida, from the West Fork of the Trinity River basin, Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 37:28-34. |
1992 | Velásquez Zea |
Velásquez Zea, V. 1992. Los murcielagos del Valle de Ica. Boletín de Lima - La Crónica Nacional Moderna (Perú) 84:19-20. |
A92VEL0100LA |
1992 | Dobkin |
Dobkin, D. S. 1992. Neotropical migrant landbirds in the Northern Rockies and Great Plains. USDA Forest Service Northern Region. Publication R1-93-34. Missoula, Montana. |
1992 | Erhlich et al. |
Erhlich, P. R., D. S. Doblin, and D. Wheye. 1992. Birds in jeopardy: the imperiled and extinct birds of the United States and Canada, including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. |
1992 | DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #1 on 27 April 1992. |
F92DEB01NMUS | |
1992 | Cannings |
Cannings, R. J. 1992. Status report on the Gray Flycatcher EMPIDONAX WRIGHTII in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). 11 pp. |
1992 | Mason, C. T. |
Mason, C. T. 1992. Vascular Plants of Arizona. |
1992 | Turner, R. 1992. NM rare plant occurrence record data sheet for Polygala rimulicola. NM Forestry Division, Santa Fe, NM. |
U92TUR02NMUS | |
1992 | Mehlhop, P. 1992. Field survey to Jordan Hot Springs on July 11, 1992. |
F92MEH33NMUS | |
1992 | Belk and Sissom |
Belk, D. and S. L. Sissom. 1992. New Branchinella (Anostraca) from Texas, U.S.A., and the problem of antennalike processes. Journal of Crustacean Biology 12:312-316. |
1992 | Anderson, D. L. 1992. Plant collection log sheet for Cereus greggii - log #182: 1 km east of Parker Tank. 1 October 1992. |
U92AND05NMUS | |
1992 | Gila National Forest. 1992. Description of Northern Goshawk territory activity over a twenty-year period. |
U92GNF02NMUS | |
1992 | Frank and Heske |
Frank, D. H., and E. J. Heske. 1992. Seasonal changes in space use patterns in the southern grasshopper mouse, ONYCHOMYS TORRIDUS TORRIDUS. J. Mamm. 73:292-298. |
1992 | Poague, L. |
Poague, L. (1992) Unpublished Letter to Regional Forester, R-3, Subject: Mexican Spotted Owl Annual Report, Contains "Mexican Spotted Owl Anual Inventory and Monitoring Report for the Lincoln National Forest, 1991." Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln Na |
1992 | Kuyt and Johns |
Kuyt, E., and B. W. Johns. 1992. Recent American avocet, RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA, breeding records in the Northwest Territories, with notes on avocet parasitism of mew gull, LARUS CANUS, nests. Can. Field-Nat. 106:507-510. |
1992 | Paton et al. |
Paton, P. W., C. Kneedy, and E. Sorensen. 1992. Chronology of shorebird and ibis use of selected marshes at Great Salt Lake. Utah Birds 8(1):1-19. |
1992 | Rudis |
Rudis, V. A. 1992. Forest fragmentation of southern U.S. bottomland hardwoods. Pages 35-46 in J. C. Brissette (editor). Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Southern Forest Experiment Station, U.S. Forest Service |
1992 | Wilde and Echelle |
Wilde, G. R., and A. A. Echelle. 1992. Genetic status of Pecos pupfish populations after establishment of a hybrid swarm involving an introduced congener. Transactions of American Fisheries Society 121:277-286. |
1992 | Dugger and Fredrickson |
Dugger, K. M., and L. H. Fredrickson. 1992. Life history and habitat needs of the wood duck. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish and Wildlife Leaflet 13(1.6). 8 pp. |
1992 | Medin |
Medin, D.E. 1992. Birds of a Great Basin sagebrush habitat in East-Central Nevada. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station Research Paper INT-452, Ogden, UT. |
1992 | Cibola National Forest |
Cibola National Forest. 1992. Memo providing overview of bird surveys done by H. Schwarz in the Manzano and Gallinas Mountains. 13 p. |
1992 | Kirkeminde, M. 1992. Unpublished letter to Ellen DeBruin regarding Mogollon clover [Trifolium longipes var neurophyllum] at Salvador Spring dated 2 Feb 1992. 1 p. |
U92KIR01NMUS | |
1992 | Poaque, L. |
Poague, L. (1992) Unpublished Letter to Regional Forester, R-3, Subject: 1992 Annual Goshawk Report. Contains Multiple Documents Regarding Accipiter gentilis. Lincoln Supervisor's Office, Lincoln National Forest, USFS. 91 p. |
1992 | Wood, S. 1992. Unpub letter to Ellen DeBruin at NMNHP containing additional information on Cirsium vinaceum surveys of 1985-1992. 3 p + 4 maps. |
U92WOO01NMUS | |
1992 | Wood, S. Personal communication to E. DeBruin at NMNHP, July 10, 1992. |
P92WOO01NMUS | |
1992 | DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area - Tucker Canyon plot #10 on 27 April 1992. |
F92DEB10NMUS | |
1992 | Mehlhop, P. 1992. Field survey to canyon W of Rock House Springs on Sept 10, 1992. |
F92MEH51NMUS | |
1992 | DeBruin, E. 1992. Field survey to Farmington Resource Area-plot #28 on 24 April 1992. |
F92DEB28NMUS | |
1992 | Mehlhop, P. 1992. Field survey to Lower Lang Canyon on August 24, 1992. |
F92MEH36NMUS | |
1992 | Bollinger and Gavin |
Bollinger, E. K., and T. A. Gavin. 1992. Eastern bobolink populations: ecology and conservation in an agricultural landscape. Pages 497-506 in B92HAG01NAUS. |
1992 | Duffy and Kerlinger |
Duffy, K., and P. Kerlinger. 1992. Autumn owl migration at Cape May Point, New Jersey. Wilson Bull. 104:312-320. |
1992 | Hunter |
Hunter, M. L., Jr. 1992. Natural fire regimes as spatial models for managing boreal forests. Biological Conservation 65:115-120. |
1992 | Smith |
Smith, H. C. 1992. Mammals of the Drumheller area. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Natural History Occasional Paper No.17, Edmonton, AB. 25 pp. |
1992 | Wood |
Wood, D. S. 1992b. Color and size variation in eastern white-breasted nuthatches. Wilson Bull. 104:599-611. |
1992 | Cleary, D |
Cleary, D. 1992. Unpublished field notes in NMOS archive files at NM Dept. of Game and Fish. |
1992 | Ford-Schmid, R. |
Ford-Schmid, R. (1992) 1992 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 27 p. |
1992 | Malusa, J., D. F. Gori, P. L. Warren, and E. S. Monarque |
Malusa, J., D. F. Gori, P. L. Warren, and E. S. Monarque. 1992. Population studies of sensitive plants of the Coronado National Forest, Arizona. The Arizona Nature Conservancy. Tucson, Arizona. 48 p. |
1992 | Romero |
Romero, B. 1992. Astragalus Report. Internal USDA Forest Service Document. 8/28/92. Tres Piedras Ranger District, Carson National Forest, New Mexico, USA. |
1992 | Rutman |
Rutman, S. 1992. Handbook of Arizona's endangered, threatened, and candidate plants. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Phoenix, Arizona. |
1992 | Beauvais et al. |
Beauvais, G., J. H. Enderson, and A. J. Magro. 1992. Home range, habitat use and behavior of Prairie Falcons wintering in east-central Colorado. J. Raptor Res. 26:13-18. |
1992 | Corn and Vertucci |
Corn, P. S., and F. A. Vertucci. 1992. Descriptive risk assessment of the effects of acidic deposition on Rocky Mountain amphibians. J. Herpetol. 26:361-369. |
1992 | Grobman |
Grobman, A. 1992b. On races, clines, and common names in Opheodrys. Herpetol. Rev. 23:14-15. |
1992 | Morrison, J.L. 1992. Persistence of the meadow jumping mouse, Zapus hudsonius luteus in New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist, 37(3):308-311. |
A92MOR01NMUS | |
1992 | Twedt et al. |
Twedt, D.J., W.J. Bleier, and G.M. Linz. 1992. Genetic variation in male Yellow-headed Blackbirds from the northern Great Plains. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70:2280-2282. |