Neville, T. 2000. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program Holloman AFB INRMP Working Directories (GIS and Report).
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Holloman Air Force Base
Neville, T. 2000. New Mexico Natural Heritage Program Holloman AFB INRMP Working Directories (GIS and Report).
Neville, T. 2000. NMNHP in-house ERDAS Imagine archives.
Runyan, N. 1995. USGS 7.5' Deadman Canyon quadrangle map, labelled with results of 1994-1995 surveys on HAFB.
Runyan, N. 1995. USGS 7.5' Tularosa Peak quadrangle map, labelled with results of 1994-1995 surveys on HAFB.
Runyan, N. 1994. Field notes of surveys conducted at Holloman AFB.
Johnson, K. 2013. NHNM results of surveys for Aplomado Falcon at Holloman Air Force Base, 2013–2013. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TE819528-0.
Black, C. 1995. D:\ACCSDATA\BIRDS.MDB, Forms: visit water, visit grass, Snowy plover reproduction.
United States Air Force. 2000. Holloman Air Force Base Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan.
Johnson, K., J. Smith, and N. Petersen. 2016. Grassland/shrubland species of conservation concern at Holloman Air Force Base: Pilot study of nesting priority species. Natural Heritage New Mexico Publication No. 15-GTR-391. Biology Department, University o
Smith, J and K. Johnson. 2003. Holloman Air Force Base Boles Wells Water System Annex, bird surveys, final report. Natural Heritage New Mexico.. 14 p.