Sweanor, Linda and Kenny Logan. 1986. Preliminary bird list for the San Andres Mountains, New Mexico. Hornocker Wildlife Research Institute. 5 pp.
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Pinyon jay
Sweanor, Linda and Kenny Logan. 1986. Preliminary bird list for the San Andres Mountains, New Mexico. Hornocker Wildlife Research Institute. 5 pp.
Bock, C.E. et al. 1984. Bird, lagomorph, and rodent populations of semiarid rangelands in the Rio Puerco Basin of New Mexico. USFS Cooperative Agreement No. 28-C2-218. Appleton, Whittell Research Ranch, National Audubon Society and University of Colorado.
Petersen, N., K. Johnson, G. Sadoti, and J. Smith. 2018. Bird surveys at Rio Grande del Norte National Monument 2018 Final Report.
Johnson, K., J. Wickersham, L. Wickersham, M. Freehling, and N. Petersen. 2019. Pinyon Jay and Gray Vireo Surveys at White Sands Missile Range, 2019 Draft Report. Natural Heritage New Mexico Report #414. Biology Department, University of New Mexico, Albqu
Johnson, K., and J. Smith. 2017. Management guidance for Piñon-Juniper Species at Risk on New Mexico military installations. Natural Heritage New Mexico Report #399. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. 37 p.
Stahlecker, D. 1996. Willow flycatcher and raptor survey data sheets for work on the BLM Rio Puerco Resource Area. For U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Bureau of Land Management. 1978. Miscellaneous raptor and songbird surveys on BLM lands in Northern New Mexico.
Petersen, N., K. Johnson, J. Smith. 2019. Pinyon Jay Surveys at Santa Fe County Properties 2019 Report.
Johnson, K. 2016. Pinyon Jay nesting colony near Navajo Lake. Natural Heritage New Mexico, University of New Mexico.
Hathcock, Chuck. 2010. [E-mail between Chuck Hathcock and Kris Johnson]. November 2010. Pinyon Jay Sitings. On File at: New Mexico Natural Heritage, Albuquerque, NM. ENV-ES, Environmental Stewardship Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.