Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2013. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Good Times P32-2410 No. 01H natural gas pipeline tie extension. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 39 p.
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Gunnison's prairie dog
Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2013. Biological survey report for Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.'s proposed Good Times P32-2410 No. 01H natural gas pipeline tie extension. Submitted to BLM Farmington Field Office. 39 p.
Hawks Aloft, Inc. 2001. Mountain plover surveys in the North Unit Allotment of the Taos Resource Area. . 32 p.
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Nelson Consulting, Inc. 2013. Biological survey report: Encana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc. Escrito E13-2407 No. 01H natural gas and oil well. 27 p.