Rollins, R.C. 1993a. The Cruciferae of continental North America: Systematics of the mustard family from the Arctic to Panama. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, California. 976 pp.
Request Publication
Rollins, R.C. 1993a. The Cruciferae of continental North America: Systematics of the mustard family from the Arctic to Panama. Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, California. 976 pp.
New Mexico Native Plant Protection Advisory Committee. 1984. A handbook of rare and endemic plants of New Mexico. Univ. New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. 291 pp.
Wilbur, K and W.D. Russell-Hunter. 1983. The Mollusca, Volume 6 Ecology. . 695 p.
Arnett, Jr., Ross H., ed. 1983. Checklist of the Beetles of North and Central America and the West Indies. Flora and Fauna Publications, Gainesville, Florida. 24 P. (Pertains to all subsequent fasicle updates as well).
Hall, E. R. 1981a. The Mammals of North America, second edition. Vols. I & II. John Wiley & Sons, New York, New York. 1181 pp.
Hobbs, H. H., Jr., H. H. Hobbs III, and M. A. Daniel. 1977. A Review of the Troglobitic Decapod Crustaceans of the Americas. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology no. 244. 183 pp.
Luer, C.A. 1975. The native orchids of the United States and Canada excluding Florida. New York Botanical Garden. 361 pp.
Hitchcock, A.S. 1951. Manual of the grasses of the United States. 2nd edition revised by Agnes Chase. [Reprinted, 1971, in 2 vols., by Dover Publications, Incorporated, New York.]
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1985. Final rule to determine Astragalus humillimus to be endangered. Federal Register 50(124): 26568-26572.
Rickett, H. W. 1973. Wild flowers of the United States: Vol. 6 (3 parts). The central mountains and plains. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 784 pp. + plates.