Sanchez, B. (1991) Formal Spotted Owl Monitoring, Management Territory 0602005. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 11 p.
Request Publication
Strix occidentalis lucida
Sanchez, B. (1991) Formal Spotted Owl Monitoring, Management Territory 0602005. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 11 p.
Madrid, R. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Daytime Follow-up Visit Form. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 4 p.
Madrid, R. (1991) 1991 Mexican Spotted Owl Daytime Follow-up Visit Forms. Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, USFS. 6 p.
Lincoln National Forest. 1991. Mexican Spotted Owl daytime follow-up visit form, survey for Mexican Spotted Owl.
Harris, D. 1991. 1990 Mexican Spotted Owl Inventory Form, El Rito Ranger District, Carosn National Forest. 3p.
Gutierrez, R.J. (1991) Demography of Two Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucda) Populations in Arizona and New Mexico; Preliminary Results, 1991, Bundled with Supporting Documentation. Retrieved from Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Fore
Gutierrez, R.J., D.R. Olson, and M.E. Seamans. 1991. Demography of two Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) populations in Arizona and New Mexico: Preliminary results, 1991. Submitted by Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University, Arcat
Gila National Forest. 1991. Mexican Spotted Owl annual monitoring and inventory summary.
Gila National Forest. 1991. Mexican Spotted Owl daytime follow-up visit form, survey for Mexican Spotted Owl.
Cibola National Forest. 1991. Mexican Spotted Owl daytime follow-up visit form, survey for Mexican Spotted Owl.